DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2012


Well-Known Member
I have read that the res should be changed not just to get fresh water, but also to make sure the nutes are in the right abundancies. For example if say you are using a nute that is 5-5-5, but for some reason your plants are wanting more nitrogen at a certain point in time, it seems like you would quickly run out of nitrogen, and only adding more nutes when you top off wouldnt fix the problem.

That being said if there arent any problems or deficiencies than this works totally fine and is way easier, but i could see how it could create problems.

Personally I stopped changing my res every week, and have been changing it every 2 weeks during flower, but i am going to try to get away without changing it the last month because it is a huge bitch. so far so good.
Next time ill definitely have a different setup with a pump and an exterior res.
Nitrogen loss is a common problem during flowering anyways but at least with my method I am not dumping the nitrogen or veg nutes out of the rez and adding new flower nutes. I kept the veg nutes in the rez and added the flower nutes to the ext rez so they blended together when I switched to flower and since have been adding only flower nutes. So I guess it comes down to a personal choice but I have not had any problems with not changing my rez weekly or bi-weekly as I add the nutes and check the PPM in the ext rez. My ladies look pretty healthy I think. I do not know the scientific specs or anything on the issue but I do know what has worked for me and not having to change the rez every 1-2 weeks makes growing a little more enjoyable.


Active Member
nitrogen was just an example. the same is true with P, K, or any other trace element that your plants need. If you dont change the res, the elements your plants use the most (relative to the abundance) will be depleted before the other elements.

In other words, if you are feeding a 5-5-5 mix and your plants are actually eating 4-5-6, and you never change the res, eventually you will have problems like not enough K and too much N.

but i agree your plants look fine.


Well-Known Member
To each their own. Whatever works for you but ill keep mine simple and low maintenance until I see deficiencies or problems.


Well-Known Member
Topping off and not changing the nutrients is actually a method but the name escapes me at the moment...guess why? Ha...and as long as you know your ppm it's usually not a problem if your reservoir stays clean. I've actually been growing lettuce, green pepper, and basil in water that's about 4-5 weeks old. The ppm have stayed around 500 and I just raise the ph every so often. And I change my weed rez every 2-3 weeks and I still had a nitrogen deficiency. Had to bump ppm to 1400 to please her needs. Resin production is starting to take off now.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Hey Bluberry don't mean to thread jack you with my questions but im unsure and figure you could offer your opinion. I'm thinking of buying two of these eight site dwc http://www.ebay.com/itm/Killer-Green-Complete-Hydroponic-DWC-8-Plant-Hydro-High-Yeild-System-Grow-Guide-/200694241076?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eba4f1734 for 8 one foot tall lollipopped sog plants. My worry is the res size being four gallons is that adequate root space? I know I'll have too change the res more often but no big deal. I'll obviously upgrade the air pump but its the size of the res and space between plants im wondering about.


Active Member
Hey Bluberry don't mean to thread jack you with my questions but im unsure and figure you could offer your opinion. I'm thinking of buying two of these eight site dwc http://www.ebay.com/itm/Killer-Green-Complete-Hydroponic-DWC-8-Plant-Hydro-High-Yeild-System-Grow-Guide-/200694241076?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eba4f1734 for 8 one foot tall lollipopped sog plants. My worry is the res size being four gallons is that adequate root space? I know I'll have too change the res more often but no big deal. I'll obviously upgrade the air pump but its the size of the res and space between plants im wondering about.
IMO, if you are planning on trying to grow in something like that until you harvest would be a nightmare! The plants would be drinking anywhere from 1/2-2/3 of your res in a single day by the time they are in week 4-5 of bloom! Something like that would be ideal for new clones and such to veg for a while, but I wouldn't try to go full cycle with a res that small and that many plants.


Active Member
Well, I will have some good pics in a week or so. Had some major issues with my Bubba's Kush(crap GHS) plant once I put it in the bud area and under my screen. It is slowly coming back, but not that I really care as I am BEYOND happy to report that my 2 blueberry plants I also have in there are FEMALE's!!!! This made my day and then some to say the least! Long story short, I have been trying to grow these bloody blueberry's for 6+ months now! I have a small scale setup, so I only start a couple of seeds of new strains at a time! Well, the last 6 seeds in a row were males! I was having the worst luck in the world with this strain! The G13xHaze seeds I got from the same supplier ended up giving me 2 females right off the get go and 1 definite keeper pheno. I have both of those mothers going still until I get a few more top notch strains in my collection that I want to keep and start running out of room. I also have a couple of Cannacopia BC Roadkill(SkunkxDC) seedlings off to the races. They will be ready to go for next batch!

Thank BB for inspiring me to go SCROG!


Active Member
yeah i hope i have better luck with females too. i planted 2 blue chocolates i was stoked about til they were both male :(

i only have 4 more hopefully one will turn out. im thinking about trying to reveg a little clone i have now after i havest just in case.

and i agree that the res would be too small to do a full cycle. and they are really close to eachother, which is common for a sog, but ide rather do a scrog with a topped plant and give it more room. go for individual 5 gal buckets w/ 4 inch net pots. thats what i wish i did. maybe with a rdwc setup like blu has to make adding water easier in an external res.


Well-Known Member
Niko that's up to you but I wouldn't buy it for me considering I can do a scrog with 1-2 plants and get the same or a bigger yield than with the SOG method. I am with them on the small rez, it would be ok to veg in but would need something bigger because those roots would get intertwined and cause issues or small growth. You have kinda switched up a couple times from DWC to talking about a flood and drain and now SOG. Have you not found something that has worked for you? Me personally I prefer the scrog method in individual containers for bigger roots and bigger plants and have a good yield with 1-2 plants vs having 10-15 plants to produce the same amount of bud. Be patient and keep it simple! Good Luck and Happy Growing!

Thanks Slanty I am glad I have inspired someone to do a scrog. I like it and don't think I'll be switching up anytime soon.

I feel you on the male issue. I had 10 Extrema seeds and had 9 males and this round is my 1st Extrema but I have some feminized Extrema and Jackberry for my next grow. Should be a good grow!



Well-Known Member
View attachment 2005980

Almost done with Week 2 of Flower ;) Hope everyone is chugging right along! My single-plant experiment is pretty satisfying I must say I've learned a shitload already! Gets better every time I do it and I'm in <3 with the scrog method...next round I'm just taking it vertical :D Happy growing all and feel free to swing by the thread and leave an opinion or 3


Well-Known Member
Looking good Minz! I think scrog is the way to go once you get the hang of it. I'm chugging right along as well. Chugga chugga choo choo!!


Active Member
Looking good rayishungry! Are you going to veg longer next time though to fill up the whole area? I am vegging mine until my area is going to be pretty much completely covered to see what these babies can do! You are just wasting a whole lot of light there IMO is all.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Ray! Made their way thru the screen and budded on up nicely! Not much longer.
Slanty IMO you should fill the screen about 2/3 then flip and fill the screen out with the stretch instead of filling up the screen completely because then you will have an overgrown scrog with budz fighting for light and oxygen which can cause pest, mold and other issues.


Well-Known Member
Looking good rayishungry! Are you going to veg longer next time though to fill up the whole area? I am vegging mine until my area is going to be pretty much completely covered to see what these babies can do! You are just wasting a whole lot of light there IMO is all.
I will be vegging longer next time. I had to switch because I have to stop in March for a little bit to spend time with my newborn.

And Mineralz it's a lot better this time around. Ha.

OH.....and WhoDat is to blame for the turn around on my lady. Thanks WD!!!


Active Member
Yeah, I hear ya BB. One of my plants will be a bit overgrown but shouldn't cause me any issues. Everything is riding on when this stupid Bubbs's Kush is going to have enough growth back on it to put them into 12/12 cycle. One of my blueberries has become a monster in a hurry though! Canopy should be 2/3 or better full within a week I figure now. Space is roughly 3 1/2' X 5 1/2'. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hear ya BB. One of my plants will be a bit overgrown but shouldn't cause me any issues. Everything is riding on when this stupid Bubbs's Kush is going to have enough growth back on it to put them into 12/12 cycle. One of my blueberries has become a monster in a hurry though! Canopy should be 2/3 or better full within a week I figure now. Space is roughly 3 1/2' X 5 1/2'. :hump:
Are you growing from seed? If so then maybe the one growing faster is a male. That's usually how I tell a male from a young age cuz they will grow more vigorous but if it's a clone or fem seed then disregard that.