Dwc seedlings dying or healthy

Healthy or dying?

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  • Dying

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New Member
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg 1st grow 600w mh light x2 gdp X1 ls. Leaves are droopy but root is penetrating about 1/2 inch out bottom of rock wool. Temp 74 hum.30 day 3 of growth. am I on the right track or no?


New Member
there fine
Just freaking out I guess. I've been reading up as a guest on this site for a while. Now that I've seen all the problems others have had with 1st grows I'm kinda paranoid. Lol. Just wanted to hear from an experienced grower. Thanks man.


New Member
There good just cover rockwool good cuz u will get withe fuzz that kills seedlings put something black or dark.
Okay I also have the top feed water pump but turned it off because how much it was saturating the rock wool. Should I just turn it on once or twice a day to keep them moist?

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Okay I also have the top feed water pump but turned it off because how much it was saturating the rock wool. Should I just turn it on once or twice a day to keep them moist?
Just make sure ur air stones can wet the rockwool or have the water very close to rockwool without drowning them but top feed would b overkill for a seedling.


if theres roots hanging out of the rockwool turn the pump on if there is just one tap root hanging out of the bottom keep hand watering until you see a few roots . the pump will stay on here at some point soon you just want a few roots to be able to breathe some air.