DWC Tub question

Hi all. I was looking into DWC setup and I was wondering if I can use latex paint on the container to make sure no light gets into the container.

I was thinking of getting rubber made.
I don't have duct tape but I do have latex paint and primer kicking around.

Also can the clay rocks be used almost like soil but have air rocks at the bottom?

I want to try different things then what most people do.


Well-Known Member
You can try it but why bud? I am telling you absoloutely that paint will peel off a plastic res. Duct tape is $3 a roll at Walmart. If you wanna be different and have a cool looking res get a can of rubber undercoat and cover your res with that. That will be the custom touch you are looking for.


Active Member
I use rubbermaid roughneck 18 gal totes and mine arent painted and I have no problems,I have used truck bed liner on white 5 gal buckets and that works great.are you painting to block light or just for the look


Well-Known Member
Discount hydro sells panda by the foot for a buck a foot, you can wrap that thing for $5 plus ship. Or just get an opaque tub for $17 like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Crayola produces a paint made specifically for painting plastic. I have used it on totes. It didn’t work. DONT USE PAINT heed the advice given, the folks here at RIU tend to know what they are talking about and I expect that you came for that advice...Take it!
Crayola produces a paint made specifically for painting plastic. I have used it on totes. It didn’t work. DONT USE PAINT heed the advice given, the folks here at RIU tend to know what they are talking about and I expect that you came for that advice...Take it!
ok thank you. I gess I'm gonna go with Duct Tape


Well-Known Member
Use dark contact paper. The kind you use to line kitchen drawers. The sticky stuff. Cover the outside.


Active Member
I love the people that start a thread with a question, get an answer, and completely disregard it! hah, why bother.