

Active Member
hi guys,

i just need some help, i transplanted a 2 weeks old plant from soil to DWC system with 20-20-20 fertilizer + micro nutri, 2 teaspoon per gallon. the plant is looking ok after 1 weeks in the system, but the plant is only looking bushy and bushy more but it is growing taller, i dunno why is that since i am new to hydroponic. the water level is in the top of the net pot. i only put small aquarium gravel to handle the plant. today i tried to c if there is roots, i saw 1 white root a bit thick coming from the bottom of the plant.

1- is the water level good or i should lower it till it touch this white root?
2- is 2 teaspoon of 20-20-20 per gallon enought or need more ? or later on?

when i transplant it, it has small roots, so i put it inside the net pot covered with small gravel, so the roots are inside the gravel, that's why i was obliged to make the water level up to touch the small roots, after that from 1 weeks i only c one white thick (not that thick but clean white root only coming from the bottom.

plzzz guys any help will be appreciated coz i need to get some experience in hydro, if u see any other problem tell me.

thank u

bad conn cant upload pic, will try tonight
Are you saying the water level is up to the top of your net cup? Like its floating in the water? If so I don't think that is right. My water is just barely touching the bottom of my net cups. The little air bubbles pop and splatter water all over the underside of cup and bucket lid. This is what one mine looks like after 1 week IMGP1018.jpg I'm not sure about the dirt to DWC I guess it would be OK as long as there is no dirt on roots.

The 20-20-20 seems strong for a baby I'm just using straight tap water PH adjusted to 6.0. I will use 200 ppm nutes when the roots start to come out of the bottom of the net probably next week. It's a 3 part nute micro,grow,bloom and will only be 1/4 strength.

Check out this guy on here Bauks420 he has a video series thats very informative and he will answer ? also check out his budget grow on youtube he has the same name. Good luck and I hope this helps.