DXM Dosage Once and For All


Hey guys, completely new to this site, been a roamer on the net of such sites and a talker over at Erowid. I've found a lot of stuff on the net in the past few years helping me play around and I remember my first time screwing around with DXM and ever since it's been my favorite 'vacation' drug by miles.

But I always keep asking a certain question to myself. Does anyone 'really' know what dosing is the proper dosing area. I've seen people say 200mg sent to them hospital, I've seen 700mg been claimed as the 4th plateau and I've seen a calculator that told me to take 2100mg for a 4th plateau trip. I've seen death calculators at 2000mg and at 25,000mg. There's an overflow of people talking about their experiences and I really do approve of the quality of discussion and enjoy reading it all, but I made an account here to ask a question.

And that question is does anyone really have a solid idea of what to be saying for dosing, be it from straight Robitussin to using the agent lemon extractions. Since my first trip I used 711mg of DXM, and have been using the same dose ever since really. I initially read that this was the threshold for the 4th plateau trip and have always found that it was intense as hell. Continued usage at that high dose put me in my own world for about a week. But I've recently found other things trying to show me that 1500-2000mg is the 4th plateau.

I'm not really ready to blindly jump into that high of a dose without asking first so I came here after roaming around. I figured I could get some quality conversation started on a solid site like this with a lot of communication so post up what you think or any questions for a long time user if your new to it as well.


It has such a high tolerance factor. Basically once you go to from 300mg to 400mg and up youll never beable to take a smaller amount and get the same effect. Even if you only do it once a month youll still have a tolerance. Its a weird drug.So basically it all deponds on the person and how much theyve used it. No real answers, you will probobly not find one.


Well that's a different perspective on it and it's very true too, ever since the first it's never that good. I've upped the dosage a few times, but it's always similar. I'm just skeptical about jumping into the deep end and drinking nearly 3 8oz bottles because of some dosage sites when I usually just drink the one ya know?


thinking about that makes me gag :| but i will tell you this, i did mess around with it alot at one point in my life thank god im still alive..

i was going to church just to make my aunt happy, she was letting me live with her at the time.. and she was christian so you know i just went along with it...

anywyas i drank 2 bottles of robitussin before we had a prayer thing..

and when i went there i was trippin the fuck out i felt like everytime i closed my eyes i started to sink into the floor. :| um

am i allowed to say this here?? uh dont get mad at me but i advise yuh to just stick to blazing and if you want to trip, go with the san pedro/extraction.... shrooms.. or acid if you can find some... its so much worth it, you get a real trip, and you dont feel like theres a trillion chemicals rushing through your blood streamm