
anybody mess with dxm? i've been takin it for over 2 years..i think i am addicted seriously...but its a good thing, it makes me social and more friendly.


Well-Known Member
Is very addictive, but easy to get your hands on with it being legal and all I'm most certainly addicted to it


Well-Known Member
There was a stage during my teens that i was drinking two big bottles of Robo and using it to swallow 2 boxes of 3C's. Usually turned into some sort of chemical clump in my stomach, and id fry for like 36 hours without needing to up.

Those days were fuckin crazy.... i dont miss dxm.
damn 32 ccc pills ??? that is so crazy i did that once and i felt like i was going to die. i had a seizure too from it..only use syrup now, tho its nasty as fuck to drink but im used to it and its great..but im going to try my hardest to stop starting tonight...its way too expensive because im not a low life thief who needs to steal their drugs. its great thought, but i think i might be done with it.
relapse! fuck its hard to kick...only thing i've ever been hooked on...cigs aren't addictive to me, alcohol isn't, weed kinda is but i can stop if i needed to..but this is just hard to shake...what would you guys recommend to kick it...