DYI Water Cooler?


Well-Known Member
Straight to the chase; my compressorless chiller chills water by passing the water through a radiator outside and uses a box fan blowing ambient air through the radiator. The cold air cools the water, which is then passed through air handlers to cool air or chiller coils to cool RDWC systems... and voila! Cheap chilling all winter long.
Thank you tty. It's just the inspiration to get me started. My setup is super small so maybe even the trade winds will be enough.



Well-Known Member
well you could run hose outside and bury it about a foot and a half in the soil, temp at that level usually always stays 55 degrees all year round. i coiled up a bunch of hose outside the window of my veg room water stays super cold, just needed the hose and water pump lol


Well-Known Member
well you could run hose outside and bury it about a foot and a half in the soil, temp at that level usually always stays 55 degrees all year round. i coiled up a bunch of hose outside the window of my veg room water stays super cold, just needed the hose and water pump lol
Soil temps in Hawaii are too warm. Evaporative cooling with race winds is pretty much the best bet. I'm totally tuned in to see how you do with it!