Dying Fan Leaves About Week 5 I think

I've been all over the place trying to get this situation fixed. These are what I have it narrowed down to

1. Under feeding, and needing to continue giving Grow Big (veg nute)
2. Stupidity of removing a bunch of pretty big fan leaves thinking they were in the way.
3. Nute lockout? (Plants are in the ground, maybe I should give a gallon plain water tonight each, then feed a tsp or 2 grow big with a gallon each since I've been lacking that?)
4. They just need more food. (Was only giving 1 tbs a week of jacks, some people give about 1 tsp a day, which is 2+ tbs a week)

Picture upload isnt working but I put some on photobucket. Any one have any thoughts?



Active Member
When I do outdoor plants I dig 2 feet down and add a pound of bat guano before I put the plant in. This is enough food for its entire life cycle. For now I would not throw too much money at that plant unless there is something I am not seeing. It looks stretched and doesnt look like she's going to produce a lot. The leaves look like nitrogen deficiency. Increase the nuits in your feeding cycle to that which has worked for others.


Active Member
give them a dose of high nitrogen food and they should be ok but do it before it starts to get worse

ps. get a better pic that is so bad quality its hard to tell anything
I just used a crappy camera to get an idea of the leaf issues I guess I'm just going to continue to give a little extra Grow Big every other week


Active Member
ok well there is a few problems with ut plant having looked at the other images
calcium and magnesium def
iron deff
potassium def
nitrogen deff

Pic 2.pngPic 1.png
Pic 3.png

I just used a crappy camera to get an idea of the leaf issues I guess I'm just going to continue to give a little extra Grow Big every other week
you've asked what the problem is we have told you the plant needs stronger food with micro nutrients!!!!

this plant will die with out food
ok well there is a few problems with ut plant having looked at the other images
calcium and magnesium def
iron deff
potassium def
nitrogen deff

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you've asked what the problem is we have told you the plant needs stronger food with micro nutrients!!!!

this plant will die with out food
Just gave it the recommended +1 tsp dose of 1 gallon each of Grow Big for nitrogen def. Going to feed jacks blossom boost 10-30-20 again tomorrow. Also going to order cal/mag and begin feeding that as well since it has nitrogen as well as the needed cal/mag..

Thank you for the help and recommendations, hopefully the grow big will help and cal mag will keep it green! Hate to see all these leaves dying as my buds are looking nice and starting to swell!


Well-Known Member
Your fan leaves will yellow and die in flower as the plant comes to the end of it's life that's normal.
If it was a (N) deficiency it would show in more leaves than just your fan leaves. Your other leaves look decent green color.

You have a Magnesium deficiency. I can see in your other pictures.

Follow your Feeding Schedule

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Thank you for the help and recommendations, hopefully the grow big will help and cal mag will keep it green! Hate to see all these leaves dying as my buds are looking nice and starting to swell!
Good advice given.

It would be cool of you to keep us updated as to the results over the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
What is the ph of the nute mixture. If it is out of whack, all the nutes in the world will help nothing. PH has got to be in range or the def. will keep building. Once a leaf shows an issue, it will show it till it dies, they do not repair themselves.

Peace and Great Grows

What is the ph of the nute mixture. If it is out of whack, all the nutes in the world will help nothing. PH has got to be in range or the def. will keep building. Once a leaf shows an issue, it will show it till it dies, they do not repair themselves.

Peace and Great Grows

I haven't checked. I only have a liquid ph tester that uses a powder mixed with soil. I tested the soil ph and it's right on. Should my feeding ph be the same as my soil? I'm thinking she's going to be ok once I feed the cal mag. I fed nitrogen and she's doing just fine. She'll have the cal mag in the morning.

She's looking great and seems happy to get the grow big. I'll keep checking in and let ya know how she turns out over the next few weeks. I'll definatley be posting the final outcome of everything in the general area.


Well-Known Member
What is the ph of the nute mixture. If it is out of whack, all the nutes in the world will help nothing. PH has got to be in range or the def. will keep building. Once a leaf shows an issue, it will show it till it dies, they do not repair themselves.

Peace and Great Grows

This guy is exactly right. You have a pH issue which is preventing nutrient uptake. Notice how the leaves a loosing color on a gradient across the leaf, that's a pretty tall tale sign of pH issue. test the soil and get it right first.


Well-Known Member
I haven't checked. I only have a liquid ph tester that uses a powder mixed with soil. I tested the soil ph and it's right on. Should my feeding ph be the same as my soil? I'm thinking she's going to be ok once I feed the cal mag. I fed nitrogen and she's doing just fine. She'll have the cal mag in the morning.

She's looking great and seems happy to get the grow big. I'll keep checking in and let ya know how she turns out over the next few weeks. I'll definatley be posting the final outcome of everything in the general area.
Your feeding pH is always higher than the medium. Adding nutrient will bring your pH up. what is perfect pH? Whats the actual number your basing that on?
Just wanted to update, I went down this morning to feed some Cal-Mag boost, and she's looking wonderful. The yellowing has slowed significantly since adding some Grow Big, and hopefully will stop all together with this last dose of Cal-Mag.

Thanks for the help, I'll check back in with more updates.