Dying leaves and heavy drooping


Well-Known Member
Background Info:
Strains: Sour Diesel, Headband, Chem Dog (all from Clone)
Flowering: 5 weeks
Light: 600 watt equivalent LED
Temp: 22-23 degree C
Nutrients: Cutting Edge Solutions [3 part Micro, Grow, Bloom]; half dosage.

Im having some leaf discoloration problems (changing from green to yellow to dead all over the plant). The leaves began drooping heavily (most notably on the chem dog) about a week ago. Some of the new top flower leaves are twisting and curling and their growth seems to be stunted. Tips of most leaves are curling and drying out and this death is spreading inward from the edges.

The degree of the problem varies from plants from left to right (least to most). The order of strains from left to right is sour d, headband, and chem dog on the far right. The chem dog is exhibiting the most stress symptoms. The only discernible difference between treatment of plants is a difference in angle and thus intensity of light.

If any one could offer help or input, itd be greatly appreciated.

I'll be posting pics.



Well-Known Member
whats your ph? how often and how much are you watering? how often are you feeding? 60% humidity is way to high for flowering, you need 20-30 percent max, bud rot really sucks, but thats not the problem, just letting you know.


Well-Known Member
whats your ph? how often and how much are you watering? how often are you feeding? 60% humidity is way to high for flowering, you need 20-30 percent max, bud rot really sucks, but thats not the problem, just letting you know.
pH has stayed around 6.5. Watering only as needed when soil is dry, about 10 ounces each every 2-3 days now since our temp problems were resolved early in flowering (don't think it's overwatering since i've been lightening up anyway). As for nutrients, no more than once a week (already eased up for fear it was worsening problem).

I've managed to get the humidity down to around 50% with better circulation, probably getting a dehumidifier today.

I read somewhere it may be a sign the plant has overgrown its pot, but its in a 2 gallon and the other plants seem to be fine in them.


Have you had that headband my friend? LOL I hear it nearly has an non-concealable stank. !L!M!F!A!O!


Active Member
I see your using cutting edge solutions, 3 part........ Next post you state your in soil..... Am I correct in asking if your using a hydroponics solution in your soil grow? If you are I suggest switching to a soil specific nutrient. as your plant pulls water out of your solution it leaves behind all unused nutes which in turn leaves a salt buildup in your soil (unused nutrient salts). It will make your soil very low ph (acidic) and lock out your nutrients..... also your plants will show signs of ph problems because of this low ph in your medium. (thats why your leaves are twisting and curling) overwater can do this too, but more common with ph problems.

To fix this all you need to do is a major flush with plain water, depending on how big your pots are will determine how much. ( I use 3-4 gallons for 1 gallon pots) Amazingly as your doing this your plant will start to transpire again and you will get the lovely smell back too. (mine always stop smelling when there is a problem - lack of transpiration)

I use coco as my medium and cutting edge as my nutes, and found that even at half strength I only need to feed them every 3rd or 4th watering because of what remains in the medium, I try to water enough to get some pretty good runnoff as well. I also find a good flush every once in a while is a benefit.


Well-Known Member
The nutrient ratios used are from a soil specific cutting edge guide, nonetheless I still plan on doing a heavy flush sometime today or tomorrow


Well-Known Member
The nutrient ratios used are from a soil specific cutting edge guide, nonetheless I still plan on doing a heavy flush sometime today or tomorrow
2 gallon pot is kinda small. you could try letting your plants suck up then transplanting them into 5 gallon pots. oceans forest is really good soil. how is that led working out? is it really what they say it is watt wise? How much are you are you feed them per gallon a week. that could be one of your problems. for example i use age old gold and on the bottle it says to use 1 to 3 teaspoons per gallon. what ever the bottle says is wayyyy to much. I use 1.5 ml for one gallon. If your in good soil try flushing and letting the soil do its job. 10 ounces of water isnt much. its gud to water tell you get at least 20% run off. I water every 3 gallon pot with 1 gallon of water and that works great. try lowering your ph just a tad. 60% is hella high I seen that you got it down to 50. I have ran a whole crop at 45/50 you can get away with it. not ideal but it will get the job done