dying/pinched branch right below cola

pinched.jpgok so I have a white widow clone in a 3 gallon square rose bucket, vegged for 1 month and well into
1 month of flowering now
lights - 4 cfls 23w warm white 27k & 2 23w daylights 65k
i use advanced nutrients jungle Grow micro bloom series along with botanicare calmag plus
EC/PPM - 1600
grow room size in 5x4x3 1/2
grow medium - 100% coco coir
i water every couple days
humidty is 66 at night and 50's in the day
my question is what happened here, i didnt do anything different then what ive been doing. that branch/cola was tied down but i cut the string as soon as i seen it go limp which was fine yesterday but checked today and BOOM!
forgot to add temperatures are around 81 high 77 low in the day and around 66 high 59 low in the night
and i forgot to mention i also have 5 LED lights red & blue spectrums
it cant reach the side the way i am holding it is the way it was tied down, as a J if you will.
the center was basically always in the center of the pot. the plant was tied down meant to look like a J in memory of a recent passing friend... photo420.jpgphoto4202.jpgphoto4201.jpg do you think it will recover?
lol, defoliation before/during i flowering. made it look great though, all the leaves are actually coated in sugar! the thing is i think is pretty small for a month of flower... oh and i have 4 cfls on this clone, it was moved for picture purposes theyre usually 1-3" away. but do you think that one cola will recover? its real thin like it died halfway through but its only on that once branch... BUT! its still pistiling and calyxs are still forming and swelling.. though i will have to give it a couple more days to make sure? should i cut it off? i need help!


Active Member
Sorry but in my opinion you fucked your plant. those leaves are there for a reason and especially on such a small plant, defoliating did nothing but stunt the fuck out of your plant. You'll be lucky to get a couple grams.. wet..


Well-Known Member
Man, you guys are cracking me up on this thread. I hate to pile on, but if that plant is two months old, you've majorly screwed the pooch. Or maybe you have really big hands?