Dying plant? (pics) Please help


Active Member
My buddy has one hell of a plant (MK-Ultra) and recently it has been starting to get these weird holes and marks, now we were wondering if it is the sun or bugs or a nutrient deficiency, any help would be GREATLY appreciated

Thanks - happy tokin :joint:



Active Member
Come on guys, 30 views and no replies, surely someone has had this problem before or knows what is causing it.
(not trying to sound rude or anything just lookin for some help)


Well-Known Member
Have you checked the undersides for spider mites? Look for webbing where the leave stem meets the main stalk also.


Active Member
the plant is about a month and 3 weeks old and it gets watered till the soil is nice and moist then he waits till it is almost fully dry again too water (so roots can breathe)


Well-Known Member
damn! that sucks! i cant reccomend anything from personal experience(ive grown inside and have never had bugs and my outdoor grow(first time outdoors) is showing no pest damage or anything. but i hear something called neem oil is what most people try.


Well-Known Member
or you could just get some rubbing alcohol and spray it on the leaves (the underside also) rubbing alcohol evaporates quick and it wont hurt the plant but the bugs cant breathe and they die. Its a quick easy affordable solution to most all bug problems.


Well-Known Member
Take a misting water bottle that has the trigger on it.
  • Cover just the bottom of the bottle with dish soap (I use the orange anti-bacterial kind)
  • Fill 3/4 with just tap water
  • fill remaining 1/4 with white vinegar
  • shake gently, not too much though or you will have lots of bubbles, lol
  • spray all over your plants, under the leaves and the top of the soil unitl a light coating is on there (don't get it sopping wet)
  • leave on at least a few hours or over night
  • spray off all the plant ( I do this with clean water in the spray bottle)
  • bugs gone, shiny leaves.
Borrowed (above) from Chiceh, I think? Anyway, some RIU'r.

*If you can, I've found a powerful spraying with a hose, etc. prior to treatment will remove many of these pests and make getting rid of the rest a bit less trouble. Fishy
Wait it out they will naturally die. There are so many spidermite predators outdoors that they will not do enough damage to the plant, especially at the size it is at now. I recommend you leave it be. every bug bigger than a spidermite that is a carnivore will eat the little bastards so you should have no problem... Spidermites are mostly only a problem for indoor grow ops. There are no predators in your room, and the conditions are perfect for mite breeding.
P.S. I will see you this weekend... LOL


Well-Known Member
Wait it out they will naturally die. There are so many spidermite predators outdoors that they will not do enough damage to the plant, especially at the size it is at now. I recommend you leave it be. every bug bigger than a spidermite that is a carnivore will eat the little bastards so you should have no problem... Spidermites are mostly only a problem for indoor grow ops. There are no predators in your room, and the conditions are perfect for mite breeding.
P.S. I will see you this weekend... LOL
uh, whats that? ur saying spidermites are no big deal and wont kill/hurt your plant?that is bull. lol. you've never had a spidermite infestation have you?


Well-Known Member
well the most effective way I have conquered mites in my one experience with them on a tomato plant was neem oil beware this stuff smells of shit so badly that skunks will run in fear. but it worked like a mother. good luck


Well-Known Member
if he is an organic guy I think lady bugs work and are available at most garden stores, but I'm not one hundred percent on that so do some research about it


Well-Known Member
From what I can tell in the pictures I can see the same thing already happening with other plants in the background so I think you should find out what's causing the problem with the other plants at a local garden shop and you'll find out what it is. And move it away from the other plants. The signs on the other plants should've been a red light for you.


Well-Known Member
My buddy has one hell of a plant (MK-Ultra) and recently it has been starting to get these weird holes and marks, now we were wondering if it is the sun or bugs or a nutrient deficiency, any help would be GREATLY appreciated

Thanks - happy tokin :joint:
is that water on the leaf in pic 3? maybe its amplifying the suns intensity and burning em?