Dying Seedlings Again!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Please help me. I have searched the whole web for advice and nothing that i've found so far makes any sense..

I am a good gardener and am pretty experienced at growing a wide range of plants. However i am having serious problems with my cannabis seedlings and am in danger of completly loosing my second batch of £100 seeds!!!

The seeds start of fine but after about a week the growth seems to stop and the lower leaves slowly turn a pale green then yellow and start to fold under. Then the whole plant slowly dies!!!!

My first batch were grown under 400w Sodium light, at quite a hight i may add. This batch under flourides, i do not over water or underwater, i haven't used nuts yet as they are in potting compost.

I have checked the roots and althought they seem plenty full they also don't seem all that healthy, There are some bright white ones but also seem to be alot of dullish ones, could this be the problem?

Please please someone offer me a reason for this, i have never ever experience such a problem with any other plant i have grown. This is ythe second batch itss happening to, i think these seedlings are still salvagable but for how long i don't know.

Thanks in advance




Well-Known Member
First thing you should do is check the PH of the soil.

I will do, but how come i have never had this problem before? Can the PH really effect the plant that much? An if i haven't used any nuts how can the PH be anything other than nuteral?

Also could trhis be some sort of fungal infection?


Well-Known Member
Please please someone offer me a reason for this, i have never ever experience such a problem with any other plant i have grown. This is ythe second batch itss happening to, i think these seedlings are still salvagable but for how long i don't know.
My GUESS is the soil is acidic and you are getting nutrient lockout. Try mixing a lot of perlite into your soil (50%) and maybe they'll have a chance.


Well-Known Member
What exactly is potting compost, and regardless of nutes some soils can have a bad PH for growing. Yes PH can have a really bad affect on your plants it will lock out nutes keeping yout plants from getting any if it is off too far one way or the other. Have you always used this same medium for your vegetables, if so what kinds of vegies were you growing in it?


Well-Known Member
I will do, but how come i have never had this problem before? Can the PH really effect the plant that much? An if i haven't used any nuts how can the PH be anything other than nuteral?

Also could trhis be some sort of fungal infection?

Can you explain the soil that you are using a little more clearly.

It really looks to me that they are hungry. Try a very dilute fert on one and see if it recovers, it will only take 24hrs or so to see improvement if that is it.

I don't see anv evidence of fungi or other pestilence in the pics you posted.

Weed is like no other plant that I have ever grown. Pot has the widest and narrowest of requirements at the same time. A really strange plant really.

:peace: out bro and good luck on your grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to the garden centre in a min and will buy PH tester kit + correction supplies.

I have just had a look at the roots of 1 of the most effected plants and it does seem like they are all going a sort off off white colour. the thrilly bits you see on healthy roots aren't there!

Does this sound like it could be a PH thing?

If so what is the prognosis for my seedlings, will they make it or are they as good as gone?

i really appreciate your help guys, this is driving me mad.


Well-Known Member
I think someone has asked the question already, what soil are you using?

As for the ph of your water, are you using water from your tap? If you are, do you let it stand for 24 hours?
My tap water reads at 8.7 sometimes as high as 9.2 when its fresh outta the tap.


Well-Known Member
Just checked my soil PH, it is close to ph7. Could this be the reason? If so how can i bring it down?

I use compost called zoo poo! i don't leave my water standing before i use it, i will from now on!!!


Well-Known Member
Just checked my soil PH, it is close to ph7. Could this be the reason? If so how can i bring it down?

I use compost called zoo poo! i don't leave my water standing before i use it, i will from now on!!!
7.0 is a tad high, so this zoopoo stuff is that basically pure composted manure ? That's gonna burn your roots if it is. You measure the PH of the runoff water, it should be in the range of 6.2 - 6.8.


Well-Known Member
Is there an E.c. value on your zoopoo bag, Man that sounds funny!

Seriously tho I cant find the E.c. of it online but I have seen it advertised as high in nutes so yeah as someone has already posted its burning those little root systems, and locking any usefull nutrients out.

Try a ganja specific soil or the next best thing is a cutting and seedling soil from a garden center. Ph 7 is great for your soil IMO I use bio bizz and that is ph 7, 6.2-6.8 is ideal tho.

What is the ph of your water?

Also water fresh from the tap is full of chlorine which is no good for your plants whatsoever. Leave to sit 24hrs minimum.


Well-Known Member
OK, i'm gonna go to the centre and pick up some seedling compost but do you think its going to be possible to transplant my current seedlings into the new compost Or are they goners?

Also, my other worry is why did it take so long for the signs to show, i mean for a the first few days they were fine, healthy leaves and roots then all of a sudden....

I just want to make sure i have all bases covered here.

Thanks again for all advice, really need it at the moment, those seeds aren't cheap!!!


Well-Known Member
Water PH = 7

Trust me i don't over or under water although today i soaked through gnat off just incase so soil now quite damp, i'll cure this be replacing compost with seedling specific type.


Well-Known Member
Use potting soil mixed with 50 % perlite. manure is a fertilizer not a potting soil.

Its not manure it is well rotted multi purpose compost. But i think it is vnut rich, this could be the problem. Def worth replacing compost with seedling specific stuff. Do you think its too late?


Well-Known Member
OK, i'm gonna go to the centre and pick up some seedling compost but do you think its going to be possible to transplant my current seedlings into the new compost Or are they goners ?
I wouldn't say that, severely set back probably.
What happens with manures is as the soil dries down the concentration of acids intensifies to the point of toxicity. I always water heavily to purge any build ups (peat based soils can do this too)
Marijuana is a very tough and resilient plant you should be able to salvage your seedlings. Foliar feeding is a good tonic for them 'till they get a new root system (hopefully).


Well-Known Member
Its worth a try.Prepare your new soil in a pot and scoop out a hole in the middle.

Slide the old soil out of the pot, support the seedling and the soil (are you a good juggler?) in your hands, then hold under a tap and wash the soil away under a GENTLE flow of water. You should be left with your seedling and small root system in your hand. Gently place your seedling into the new soil and pack soil around till it looks sturdy. The seedling will have a little trouble standing up at first and you may need to add something to support it. (I would use a stiff cardboard tube made out of rolling paper card). It should recover in a week or so.

Good luck.