dying stipules?


Well-Known Member
some of the stipules on my plant are turning brown and shriveling up. has this ever happened to anyone?


Well-Known Member
Happening here too. Is it just a fluke? I'm watching it, doesn't seem to be a problem, but I'm watching it. It kinda confused me, cuz it's right at 2 weeks into flower, and those dying stipules look alot like pistils. I found a male that I had overlooked, thinking it was a female.


Well-Known Member
mines at its 6th day of flower. no signs of sex. the rest of the plant looks healthy and really green. the top half of some of the stipules are what looking to be dying. are the stipules used for anything important?


Well-Known Member
mines at its 6th day of flower. no signs of sex. the rest of the plant looks healthy and really green. the top half of some of the stipules are what looking to be dying. are the stipules used for anything important?
The only thing I can see that they are useful for is fucking with new Botanists!!! I actually thought that they were pistils during a quick inspection, but upon closer inspection, I found it to be a hermie. If there is no other signs of stress or distress, I aint worrying about it. Everything else is fine.
I am sure that there is a botanical purpose for them, bugt I'll be damned if I know what it could be.


Well-Known Member
hopefully there not that important. the rest of my plant is fine. except the very first leaves it got have died and fallen off but im sure thats normal.

Weed plug

New Member
I have a autoflowering plant and this plant is just not growing I got it from a friend of mine it’s about 3-4 months and I noticed that the calyx is tur