dying sugar leaves in flower


Well-Known Member
my plant is 6 weeks into flower with another 2 to go i seem to be having a lot of sugar leaves starting to yellow on the buds i have checked every bud for bud rot with no signs just wondering if its normal also should i cut the dying sugar leaves off ? and i got a small mag def appearing as well is there any point correcting this now or just leave her be


Well-Known Member
my plant is 6 weeks into flower with another 2 to go i seem to be having a lot of sugar leaves starting to yellow on the buds i have checked every bud for bud rot with no signs just wondering if its normal also should i cut the dying sugar leaves off ? and i got a small mag def appearing as well is there any point correcting this now or just leave her be
Or u sure that those sugar leaves aren't to close to the light ..that sounds like light bleaching your on about.....if your using hps..I'd say it's bleaching .....don't cut off any leafs now when u have only 2 weeks left.....another week and you will be flushing or giving plain water if your growing organic...just my thought


Well-Known Member
Don't cut your plant up. It wouldn't hurt to feed with some Calmag (if you haven't already) to correct the Mg def. Either that or some Epsom salt.


Well-Known Member
its not mold.... your leaves are giving their nitrogen to the other parts of the plant that need it... Not a big deal, it happens all the time.... The bronzing/ rust colored spots are sure signs of magnesium deficiency... give 'em a light feeding with some cal/mag nutrients. they'll be fine for another week or two


Well-Known Member
my plant is 6 weeks into flower with another 2 to go i seem to be having a lot of sugar leaves starting to yellow on the buds i have checked every bud for bud rot with no signs just wondering if its normal also should i cut the dying sugar leaves off ? and i got a small mag def appearing as well is there any point correcting this now or just leave her be
normal especaily with 2 weeks left all plants do it even tomatoe plants


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I was worried because it looked similar to what I had on a leaf on a plant with bud rot.it's bronze trichomes if you look closely so maybe just where the leaf is dying the thc is degrading.will keep a eye on her daily now any sign of it affecting bud she be having the chop