Dying, Weakening Fan Leaves

I had a little nute burn so I started to flush. I noticed that the fan leaves towards the bottoms of my plants seem to want to get weak an die. Also on my best plant all of the fan leaves are looking pretty droopy.

I have given them no more water than I ever have and I've been vegging for ten weeks. Any thoughts? I can't take a picture right now bc they are in their dark period but here's what it looked like 3 days ago...


Hash Rash

Honestly, your plant looks fine. Sometime you just gotta let it grow. It does look like a little over water might have occured when flushing but besides that it looks healthy, fan leaves dying off are normal . But if you noticed nute burn again it could it be your soil Im guessing you mixed you own. But If you used a premixed soil or ANY miracle grow product you can run into problems because of the ph and nutes all being very wrong for marijuana.If not, try giving just a tiny bit of nutes when feeding and work your way up slow to full dose. 10 weeks is pretty early and it might be sensitive to the nutes still.

Commercially we have 200 vegging and we cant go worry about every drooping leave, we go thru and prune tons of them every week. Check the Ph of your soil . All in all I have seen totally fucked off plants come back and become great producers...and yours looks fine so far.


Active Member
It looks like your getting some nitrogen deficiency at the bottom. The leaves at the top look deformed from the picture. Are they curling inward like a taco, skinnier than usual, and have some twisting going on? If so that's a signature sign of a pH imbalance. If you are seeing those signs test your runoff the best you can, get an idea if you have too acidic or too basic of soil.


Well-Known Member
Dude your plants are fine do what Hash said.

It looks like your getting some nitrogen deficiency at the bottom. The leaves at the top look deformed from the picture. Are they curling inward like a taco, skinnier than usual, and have some twisting going on? If so that's a signature sign of a pH imbalance. If you are seeing those signs test your runoff the best you can, get an idea if you have too acidic or too basic of soil.
DUDE!!! STOP TALKING JUST TO TALK!! The plants look fine you jackhole and if anything it looks like they might be over fed just a tad ( did you read he said "NUTE BURN) or like Hash said it might be a little over watering but then you chime in with a bunch of nothing with a guy that didn't need your long explanation as to why YOU think his plant is fucked up. You not only infect this thread but everyone that comes in contact with it looking for correct information. You just breed panic knock it off.

How about this, you start asking questions instead of popping off with " I think" we will all be better for it.
That's precisely what I did. Thanks for your input...I think.

Am I supposed to dilute and build up to 100% strength the nutes that I have switched to (fox farms big bloom) now that I am in my flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
It looks like your getting some nitrogen deficiency at the bottom. The leaves at the top look deformed from the picture. Are they curling inward like a taco, skinnier than usual, and have some twisting going on? If so that's a signature sign of a pH imbalance. If you are seeing those signs test your runoff the best you can, get an idea if you have too acidic or too basic of soil.
I don't know were you see a n deficiency in that pic bro, if anything they look n saturated and a bit drunk from overwatering. Your advice will kill his plant, or at least set him back a week or so. You never advice people to give their plants more of something if you are not posetivly sure about what is going on. And what is going on is more then just nute strenght bro, all other environmental factors play into to this! If you just have to diagnose plants then tell people to use less of stuff, with a little experiance you would know that your fellow growers usually love their plants to death by feeding them too much and constantly fucking around withy their girls.

Hash Rash is right on!
Cheers Spark, way to spark!
I don't know were you see a n deficiency in that pic bro, if anything they look n saturated and a bit drunk from overwatering. Your advice will kill his plant, or at least set him back a week or so. You never advice people to give their plants more of something if you are not posetivly sure about what is going on. And what is going on is more then just nute strenght bro, all other environmental factors play into to this! If you just have to diagnose plants then tell people to use less of stuff, with a little experiance you would know that your fellow growers usually love their plants to death by feeding them too much and constantly fucking around withy their girls.

Hash Rash is right on!
Cheers Spark, way to spark!
So if we have determined that overwatering is the main problem here, should I just let them dry out for about 3 days then continue with my nutes as scheduled? I have 6 plants and this is the only plant that looks a tad unhealthy (disheartening bc its my best plant). But I got a new watering can and much more water came out of it then I thought would. Therefore overwater was really what I thought the whole time.

So lets get a quick poll. :Flush or leave alone and let her dry up a little?


Well-Known Member
Flush and continue as planned with your bloom nutes. Test the over watering thing a little by skipping a day and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
dont listen to this guy sparka he doesn't even grow, he's just a troll..y the fuk u getting crazy on Dan? u got fukin issues..u must be mad at the world..its not our fault u have no friends change ur attitude and that may change one day


Active Member
Also, maybe add silica to your nutes. Itll help strength the stems and some products contain potasium, both are good things in flower. But itll raise the ph of your water