dying's going to suck


Well-Known Member
dyings not that bad. just think of the happiest time of your life. plus pain free, thoughtless, endless joy the best feelings you've ever gotten


Well-Known Member
as far as i'm concerned, being dead is exactly like the "black nothingness" that's right after falling asleep and right before waking up.

i'm also talking about unexpected & instant death... like, for instance, a heart-attack or a stroke... just out of no where... that's what i dread the most.


Well-Known Member
dyings not that bad. just think of the happiest time of your life. plus pain free, thoughtless, endless joy the best feelings you've ever gotten
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Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That reminds me of the old saying that falling a great distance isn't so bad ... it's the sudden stop at the end. cn
What's the last thing that goes through a bugs mind when it hits a windshield? It's asshole.

I don't want to see it coming. I'd rather die in my sleep, thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
Got that right Potpimp...

I'm gonna enjoy every activity I do, no matter the danger... because I am just here for this one time, and only have one chance.

Nothing like the rattles and creaks a 50 year old airframe makes when pulling a hard left 180 comin' around for a landing at some 600ft airstrip out in the mountains... pure joy and pucker factor! :eyesmoke:


Sector 5 Moderator
Got that right Potpimp...

I'm gonna enjoy every activity I do, no matter the danger... because I am just here for this one time, and only have one chance.

Nothing like the rattles and creaks a 50 year old airframe makes when pulling a hard left 180 comin' around for a landing at some 600ft airstrip out in the mountains... pure joy and pucker factor! :eyesmoke:
I've always lived life with the line from Shakespeare in mind: "A coward dies a thousand deaths, but the valorous die but once." BTW, 33 degrees here and I'm grillin' pork chops. :) Snow is down to the uppermost homes on the hillside. Alyeska should be opening soon.

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
yeh come on death lets rock motherfugga.
Sometimes it makes me sad thinking about leaving my peeps but thats where faith comes in handy.
I got grandparents still doing there thing, my grandmas lungs are shot for real. She tells me come round and see me i might not have long


Well-Known Member
i don't know if it's age or my faith but i'm not afraid of death, i don't even give it a second thought. my body hurts and is tired, i could use the relief :peace: nope, not worried one bit
go see your grandparents Tran, trust me on this