Dyna-gro feeding schedule Ebb & flo


so its been a lil over 3 weeks since seed. feminised LSD x2, Venice Beach Afgan, and regular malawai gold x3
it's ebb and flow, and in perlite and coco/pete-moss and lava rocks in the tray. using tap water with pH of 7 and plan to use only the pro-tek to balance my pH to 5.8 , i think homebrewer said protek balances the water pH

I searched online and I can't seem to find a definitive feeding schedule, It has 4gallon res and I have no idea how much nutes to use.

Dyna gro Pro-tek, Dyna gro Grow, and Dyna gro Bloom

I plan to use pro-tek, and grow for veg then in flower, all 3 for the rest of flowering, harvest the LSD and VBA at 8-9 weeks and harvest the malawi gold at 11 - 14 weeks. I'll also be flowering a few 2-6 inch clones in the tray

I'll be putting in clones in cups every couple of weeks for a sea of green grow. I plan to harvest every 2 weeks for the rest of the year or longer

how much ml per gallon per week of each bottle as I go?

i read somewhere homebrewer said 1m of grow and bloom and 15ml of pro-tek 1/4 str in first couple weeks of veg.


Well-Known Member
My babes are around 2 weeks old from germination and im using 5ml/gal of protekt and 2ml/gal grow at the moment with great success and no burns. Feel free to ask more questions, ill answer them to the best of my ability. :)

You could also do 1ml/g grow and 1 ml/g bloom and 5ml/g protekt


My babes are around 2 weeks old from germination and im using 5ml/gal of protekt and 2ml/gal grow at the moment with great success and no burns. Feel free to ask more questions, ill answer them to the best of my ability. :)

You could also do 1ml/g grow and 1 ml/g bloom and 5ml/g protekt
okay so 25ml pro-tek and 10ml grow in a 5 gallon homedepot bucket (my res). just added 30min ago. will post about how the ladies to let u know how they're doing

how much ml per week should i increase?


Well-Known Member
okay so 25ml pro-tek and 10ml grow in a 5 gallon homedepot bucket (my res). just added 30min ago. will post about how the ladies to let u know how they're doing

how much ml per week should i increase?
Do you have a PPM meter bro?


Well-Known Member
okay so 25ml pro-tek and 10ml grow in a 5 gallon homedepot bucket (my res). just added 30min ago. will post about how the ladies to let u know how they're doing

how much ml per week should i increase?
personally just dump your buckets every 7 days and make a new batch, you'll thank me later, your wallet might not but its better this way IMO than trying to mess with add-back water


Do you have a PPM meter bro?
I have a EC meter, didnt know what I was buying at the time. the readings are in µS (microsiemens?) would have to figure out how to convert to ppm

personally just dump your buckets every 7 days and make a new batch, you'll thank me later, your wallet might not but its better this way IMO than trying to mess with add-back water
yea I do plan to dump the res every 7 days (I always have with my past grows) and make a whole new batch, just wondering how much more nutes to add every 1 week. like going from 2ml grow to 3 or 4 ml increase per week etc.

this is my first time using dyna gro, i've used GH and AN in the past. I saw HB's thread on dyna gro vs connoisseur and was sold on trying out dyna gro


busted out my old meter, used it once to test it out, that's about it, not even sure if it's calibrated anymore. the water in the res is 548µS-554µS


Well-Known Member
I have a EC meter, didnt know what I was buying at the time. the readings are in µS (microsiemens?) would have to figure out how to convert to ppm
Right on, right on.

PPM's are usually about half of whatever your EC reading is, so for example, an EC of 1.0 would be around 500 PPM's.

Starting off below 200 PPM's is pretty safe for most seedlings, and from there it's just a matter of working it up as the plant grows.

Good luck, regardless.


Well-Known Member
I have a EC meter, didnt know what I was buying at the time. the readings are in µS (microsiemens?) would have to figure out how to convert to ppm

yea I do plan to dump the res every 7 days (I always have with my past grows) and make a whole new batch, just wondering how much more nutes to add every 1 week. like going from 2ml grow to 3 or 4 ml increase per week etc.

this is my first time using dyna gro, i've used GH and AN in the past. I saw HB's thread on dyna gro vs connoisseur and was sold on trying out dyna gro
i went as high as 10ml/gal of bloom at 3 weeks flowering with just slight tip burn, so i tuned it down to 8ml and stuck it at that.


go to the dyna-gro website and go to dyna-gro advantage but don't click on it and you should see 5 options. click on retail literature downloads.
