dyna-gro nutes anyone????

9 weeks for the two yellow plants. I chopped them 6 days ago. Looks like 3 or 3 1/2 zips per plant. The plant in the grey tub (soil) is a complete beast and will probably be a 6 ounce plant.


The purple plant in the background is coming down shortly; I expect another 3 oz from that one. The plants in the foreground of this pic are in hydro at 6 weeks flowering. They are not going to be champ yielders but that's the strain. As you can see they are very healthy.


Nothing beats foliage pro in hydro veg as far as I'm concerned. I'm growing A-train and Chronic right now and they flat took off the last few weeks. I have the same strains growing in soil next to them and they are half the size (same nutes :)_).



fuck yeh shnkrmn those look sweet. do you plan on switching to the mag-pro or bloom fomula in flower on your next cycle. I want to run foliage and mag-pro next time
fuck yeh shnkrmn those look sweet. do you plan on switching to the mag-pro or bloom fomula in flower on your next cycle. I want to run foliage and mag-pro next time

That's EXACTLY what I plant to do, Foliage Pro and Mag Pro and no specifically bloom nute at all.
I'll have some kool bloom left over so i may throw that inthe mix too, like in week 4-5 of flower. my strain is pretty hardy takes up to 1500 ppm with no problem
Good,thank you shnkrmn

Not to thread jack, please tell me if iam outta line. One more ?

I've been reading a lot about nutes(majority Uncle Bens) and iam curious if schultz and peters are also non-organic

And if there ok to use in hydro. Sorry that's 2 questions

Schultz/peters/jacks professional are chemical ferts.. not organic.

imho,..Best soil ferts out there...
today i called dyna gro to get the closest retail location for me, and ended uptalking to ryan one of the owners for about 10 miniutes. he covered every thing from dyna gro being the ONLY nutrient that has all 16 esentail elements, to different feed strenghts in diff mediums, mixing instructions, and even offered me acopy there not yet released feeding schedule. So to make along story short he switch my mind from running foliage-pro 4 veg and mag-pro 4 bloom, to running there grow and bloom forulas and adding pro-tekt. According to him the foilage dose and ratios are more forsustaining healthy house plants and not so much for blooming plants. (not tosay the plants shnkrmn is growing dont look awsome)He also recommened the mag-pro as a addition to bloom as its not a compleate nutrient.
if anyone knows how to upload a doc file that is 21.5 let me know the limit is 19.5 I'll share the recirclulating feeding schedule he gave me

Week 1 7.5ml 0ml. 2.5ml 0ml 5ml (650ppm)
Week 2 10ml 0ml 2.5ml 0ml 5ml (830ppm)
Week 3 12.5ml 0ml 5ml 0ml 0ml (1000ppm)
Week 4 15ml 0ml 5ml 0ml 0ml (1180ppm)
Week 1 0ml 12.5ml 5ml 2.5ml 0ml (1170ppm)
Week 2 0ml 12.5ml 5ml 2.5ml 0ml(1170ppm)
Week 3 0ml 15ml 5ml 5ml 0ml(1500ppm)
Week 4 0ml 15ml 5ml 5ml 0ml (1500ppm)
Week 5 0ml 15ml 5ml 5ml 0ml(1500ppm)
Week 6 0ml 15ml 5ml 5ml 0ml (1500ppm)
Week 7 0ml 12.5ml 5ml 5ml 0ml(1310ppm)

here it is. its recirculating for hydro in a soilless medium, he said they have a slightly diffferent ratio for coco and for drip feed setups.hope it helps.
Dyna-Gro.com has the feeding schedule online in .pdf. Makes a handy printout. I've been using DG for years. I have not tried FP or KLN yet. Follow the link to my journal, it's 100% Dyna-Gro +H2O2. Nice plants Airwave, I'll be looking into FP, thanks.
i was wondering how it work with h202, forgot to ask when i was talking to the guy yesterday
i was wondering how it work with h202, forgot to ask when i was talking to the guy yesterday

Dyna-Gro is 100% non-organic. No issues using H2O2 (29%) at all. I strongly recommend it, it keeps the res nice and clear. 1tsp/gallon twice a week.
Dyna-Gro.com has the feeding schedule online in .pdf. Makes a handy printout. I've been using DG for years. I have not tried FP or KLN yet. Follow the link to my journal, it's 100% Dyna-Gro +H2O2. Nice plants Airwave, I'll be looking into FP, thanks.

On my way:mrgreen:

Week 1 7.5ml 0ml. 2.5ml 0ml 5ml (650ppm)
Week 2 10ml 0ml 2.5ml 0ml 5ml (830ppm)
Week 3 12.5ml 0ml 5ml 0ml 0ml (1000ppm)
Week 4 15ml 0ml 5ml 0ml 0ml (1180ppm)
Week 1 0ml 12.5ml 5ml 2.5ml 0ml (1170ppm)
Week 2 0ml 12.5ml 5ml 2.5ml 0ml(1170ppm)
Week 3 0ml 15ml 5ml 5ml 0ml(1500ppm)
Week 4 0ml 15ml 5ml 5ml 0ml (1500ppm)
Week 5 0ml 15ml 5ml 5ml 0ml(1500ppm)
Week 6 0ml 15ml 5ml 5ml 0ml (1500ppm)
Week 7 0ml 12.5ml 5ml 5ml 0ml(1310ppm)

here it is. its recirculating for hydro in a soilless medium, he said they have a slightly diffferent ratio for coco and for drip feed setups.hope it helps.

This is assuming zero ppm water or so, yes?

Dyna-Gro.com has the feeding schedule online in .pdf. Makes a handy printout. I've been using DG for years. I have not tried FP or KLN yet. Follow the link to my journal, it's 100% Dyna-Gro +H2O2. Nice plants Airwave, I'll be looking into FP, thanks.

Ahem, I believe those are my plants:bigjoint:
hey shnkr if you know how to upload the feeding chart i emailed you will you post it here, it way easier to read then the one i did

Week 1 7.5ml 2.5ml 5ml (650ppm)
Week 2 10ml 2.5ml 5ml (830ppm)
Week 3 12.5ml 5ml (1000ppm)
Week 4 15ml 5ml (1180ppm)
Week 1 12.5ml 5ml 2.5ml (1170ppm)
Week 2 12.5ml 5ml 2.5ml (1170ppm)
Week 3 15ml 5ml 5ml (1500ppm)
Week 4 15ml 5ml 5ml (1500ppm)
Week 5 15ml 5ml 5ml (1500ppm)
Week 6 15ml 5ml 5ml (1500ppm)
Week 7 12.5ml 5ml 5ml (1310ppm)

Pro-TeKt - The silicon solution -
· Increased Metabolic Rates
· Increased use of available CO2
· Stronger, Sturdier plants
· Increased chlorophyll content for more photosynthesis
· Increased resistance to stresses such as heat, cold, drought, fungi, insects
· Greatly increased success rates in cuttings

Dyna-Gro’s Pro-TeKt formula is an easy to use liquid concentrate that provides supplemental potassium (3.7%) and silicon (7.8%). The latest research proves that plants benefit in many important ways from supplemental soluble silicon. These benefits include greater tolerance of environmental stresses such as cold, heat, drought, salinity, mineral toxicity or deficiency, improved growth rates, accelerated root development on cuttings, and improved resistance to insects and fungi. Silicon deposited in the cell walls reduces transpiration of water through the outer cells. High temperatures cause plants to virtually cease their metabolic functions because water is lost through transpiration faster than it can be replaced via the plant’s root system, resulting in harmful increases in intracellular mineral concentrations that inhibit metabolic functions. Increased levels of silicon in cell walls reduce transpiration, allowing continued metabolic functions at higher temperatures. Studies at the Universities of Florida and Minnesota have also shown significantly increased success rates in propagation of cuttings when silicon is applied foliarly, through an aeroponic misting system, or as a drench or soak prior to sticking. Silicon deposition in the plant’s epidermal cell layer also acts as a barrier against penetration of fungal hyphae and promotes natural fungal defense mechanisms in plants, significantly reducing, and in many cases eliminating entirely, the need to use fungicides. Silicon selectively transported to the site of fungal infection plays an active metabolic role in combating fungal growth by the production of polyphenolic compounds, part of a plant’s natural defenses against fungi and insects. When applied with a fungicide, silicon substantially improves the efficacy of the fungicide. Silicon deposited in epidermal cell walls also enhances plants’ resistance to insects. Foliar sprays of soluble silicon have been shown to be effective for discouraging aphids and other sucking insects on many plants because epidermal cell walls containing silicon deposits act as a mechanical barrier to insects. The intracellular content of silicic acid also acts as an effective sap sucking inhibitor for many insects. The increased mechanical strength in epidermal cell walls greatly improves stem strength and enhances leaf presentation to light, resulting in improved light interception. Silicon has also been shown to increase concentrations of chlorophyll in leaf tissue, resulting in increased photosynthesis and full use of available light. Moreover, supplemental levels of soluble silicon have been shown to produce higher concentrations of the enzyme RUBP carboxylase in leaf tissue. This enzyme regulates the metabolism of carbon dioxide and enables the plant to make more efficient use of available levels of CO2.

K-L-N Concentrate -

· Promotes vigorous root growth on cuttings

· Reduces or eliminates transplant shock

· Re-vitalizes damaged or poor root systems

· Perfect for aeroponic cloners

A healthy plant starts with a healthy root system, and healthy root systems start with K-L-N. K-L-N concentrate is a vitamin-hormone and nutrient solution proven to promote vigorous root development on cuttings, transplants, and newly potted plants. In addition to vitamin B1, K-L-N contains both IBA and NAA rooting hormones to kick your plants root growth into high gear. Excellent for use in aeroponic cloners or as a drench after sticking, K-L-N makes propagating cuttings incredibly simple. When used together with Pro-TeKt, the silicon solution, 100% success rates in cuttings can be achieved even by novice growers. The silicon in Pro-TeKt reduces transpiration through leaves and allows your cuttings to focus more energy on developing roots. K-L-N is also perfect for use throughout the plants life to promote new root growth and reduce transplant shock when repotting.

Root-Gel -

Dyna-Gro Root-Gel is a vitamin-hormone gel formulated for fast and easy propagation of cuttings. It contains the rooting hormones IBA and NAA as well as vitamin B1 and just the right amount of essential minerals to get cuttings of f to a great start. In tests conducted by a leading Hawaiian propagator, cuttings propagated in Root-Gel rooted out and doubled in size, while cuttings propagated with a leading powder were still forming roots. Dyna-Gro Root gel applies easily and thoroughly, surrounding cuttings in a viscous coating of protective nutrient gel. When the coated cutting is inserted into the growing medium, Root-Gel spreads into the surrounding medium to serve as a temporary, artificial root system. Root-Gel interfaces between the plant and the growing medium delivering water and minerals to the plant during the critical stages of root formation.


  • Absorbs up to 150% of its weight
  • Provides slow release silicon
  • Lightweight and easy to handle

DYNA-ROK II is a completely natural, non-toxic, and environmentally safe growing medium suitable for all indoor and outdoor plants. This lightweight, porous mineral is super absorbent, taking up as much as 150% of its weight in water and nutrients, which are then slowly released back to the plant’s roots. DYNA-ROK II comes from sedimentary rock consisting of the fossilized remains of unicellular fresh water plants known as diatoms. It consists of approximately 90% amorphous silicate with the balance made up of other mineral elements needed for plant growth. Though largely inert, over time, some silicon and other minerals are released slowly to the plants, resulting in faster growth, earlier and more prolific flowering, stronger roots, and improved resistance to pests and environmental stresses. DYNA-ROK II also provides controlled water retention for naturally occurring wet/dry cycles and a healthy environment for plants whether grown in containers or a hydroponic system. Whether used alone or as a soil amendment, DYNA-ROK II greatly improves aeration, allowing roots access to vital oxygen while improving capillary action and minimizing problems with root rot.

Mag-Pro - Blossom Booster

  • Increases yield and flower size

  • Promotes earlier flowering

  • Increases essential oil production
  • Enhances colors and aromas

Mag-Pro is a super concentrated blossom booster designed to help plants initiate flowering and develop the large, vibrant, aromatic blooms you desire. Mag-Pro provides high levels of phosphorous, magnesium, and sulfur, three key elements your plants need to pack on enormous weight during the flowering cycle, while simultaneously enhancing color and fragrance in your valuable flowers, fruits, and vegetables. The nutrients in Mag-Pro are immediately available, giving your plants the ability to access the nutrients they need at the critical times of flower formation to ensure massive growth and enhanced flavor and aroma through increased production of essential oils and terpenes. Mag-Pro is THE blossom booster for growers looking to maximize the value of their crop.

Grow and Bloom - The most concentrated and complete one part formulas……... Ever.

  • Super concentrated
  • Easy to use, one part formulas
  • Complete with all 16 essential nutrients
  • Low in soluble salts

Why use 2 or 3 parts when you can use 1? Dyna-Gro has spent over 30 years developing the most concentrated and complete one part formulas on the market. Grow and Bloom are low in soluble salts, complete with all 16 essential nutrients, and are formulated with the perfect nutrient ratios for amazing vegetative growth and blooms. Grower’s who have spent years mixing complicated and expensive 3 part formulas are amazed to find that Grow and Bloom deliver better results without the extra time and effort of mixing several parts. In addition to being priced lower than our competitors, Grow and Bloom are also much more concentrated, meaning you use less Dyna-Gro in every gallon of water, saving you money and trips to the grow store. Dyna-Gro is produced with the highest quality, technical grade minerals giving you a superior product that produces superior results. If you’re ready for real plant science, then you’re for Dyna-Gro.

Hello again. I am glad to hear you have made the switch over to DG and I think you will be very happy with the results and the time you save in terms of mixing your nutrients. We recommend a PH of about 5.8 when running a recirculating system, and we also recommend mixing the Pro-TeKt into the solution first and then adding Grow or Bloom because it will mix better this way. One other thing I will point out is that other companies always recommend very high dosages in their feed charts in the hopes that you will go through more of the product and have to buy more. We take the opposite approach in that our recommendations tend to be very accurate and if anything your plants may be able to tolerate a slightly higher dosage. So, if you feel your plants can handle a slightly higher concentration you can increase your dosages slightly to cater to your plants needs but you should be just fine with this feeding schedule. I always love to hear feedback from people so if you get a chance, send me an email or give me a call in a few weeks and tell me how things are going. Hope this info is helpful, and I wish you continued success with your plants.

Ryan Ozga

Thanks all

Good to know someone is having success useing h2o2 with the dyna line

Mr duke- thanks but I love the kiss method. I'll either be going with grow and bloom or foliage pro and bloom

Any reccomendations welcome
