dyna gro users, i need some advice.

toaster struedel

Well-Known Member
hi everyone, i have been using GH nutes in dwc for the past several years. micro,bloom,floralicious,koolbloom liquid and dry, all mixed with tap water, and everything worked to my satisfaction, but the past year or so i have been having problems with my ph levels swinging too low 4.5 sometimes lower. Any how i am out of my micro and bloom and have been thinking of making a switch to dyna gro, only thing is i cant find a definitive formula to use like lucas with the GH nutes. can i get by using just their bloom and protekt and magpro or will i need to use any other supplements. and at what ratio per gallon of each for veg and flowering? can i top off with tap water in between weekly nute changes?

grow info as follows: 8 different strains, from seed, started in 8oz cups of seed starter vegged to 2nd set of leaves,then i will wash most of the soil before transplanting to 6in netpots with hydroton in 5gal buckets then vegged under 4ft floros till roots take off and plants are about 6 to 8 inches tall then moved to dual 1k hps lights for flowering.

thanks again for any help

toaster struedel

Well-Known Member
thanks Myass, i seen that looking thru some posts, its just that first 3 weeks in the fruiting stage looks a bit strong, especially since my babies will be rather small. with the GH i usually went from 2.5ml micro, 5ml bloom/ per gal for seedlings,clones
6ml micro, 12.5ml bloom 2.5ml liq kool bloom for flowering around week 6 switching to the dry kool bloom at 1/4 tsp per gal.

what that chart calls form in weeks 4-6 looks more acceptable but then that 6.5 to 7 ph doesn't look right for DWC. but what do i know , my only exp is with GH nutes thus far in dwc. thanks man


Active Member
thanks Myass, i seen that looking thru some posts, its just that first 3 weeks in the fruiting stage looks a bit strong, especially since my babies will be rather small. with the GH i usually went from 2.5ml micro, 5ml bloom/ per gal for seedlings,clones
6ml micro, 12.5ml bloom 2.5ml liq kool bloom for flowering around week 6 switching to the dry kool bloom at 1/4 tsp per gal.

what that chart calls form in weeks 4-6 looks more acceptable but then that 6.5 to 7 ph doesn't look right for DWC. but what do i know , my only exp is with GH nutes thus far in dwc. thanks man
Yea forget about the pH and the first 3 weeks of floweing. Keep the pH 5.8- 6. You actually don't need dynagro bloom. Keep using the grow. If you want you can mix grow and bloom 1:1 but keep the the total amount at 5-8 ml/gal. I think the chart is to force the plant to go flowering at beginning of bloom but I don't know if it can burn the plant. Also DG bloom n-p raitio seems to be too low. But some people said the plant will produce more THC when it is stressed with lack of N in the late stage. But what do I know. Hopefully more experienced growers can chime in on the topic.