Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

Hard to say cause you have dynagrow dialed in. Conniosseur is sappose to keep them in peak bloom longer..
what are your ppms looking like?
I don't think conn is supposed to keep them in "peak bloom" longer. You have never seen an oversaturation of P with Dyna-grow? Not disagreeing I've never used a flower base with P=12 jw. All for Dyna-grow though heard nothing butr great things.
I don't think conn is supposed to keep them in "peak bloom" longer. You have never seen an oversaturation of P with Dyna-grow? Not disagreeing I've never used a flower base with P=12 jw. All for Dyna-grow though heard nothing butr great things.
Never used dyna grow. But i might after this side by side. I asked my store and they didnt know. I would have to look around.
I use conni, but not untill week 4 and not every grow. I use gmb by advanced with b52 and it works killer. Im thinking dyna grow with b52 would be good. The first two weeks im always feeding veg nutes 1-1-1 plus some to get 700-800ppm. Im growing in sunshine mix tho. But when i did use conni, i got my highest yeilds.
I dont think juice really matters that much. Its basicly medicine. As long as your plants are healthy. Thats why dyna grow is good because it contains all the medicine needed to maintain a healthy plant. B52 is basicly a multi vitamin to go with your base which is food.
Ya it has the correct amounts of all of the essential elements no added bs. Ive been researching these nutes and every time i see them they really just keep the plants very healthy and green. I will definately be using these on a crop from seed I have coming up. Looking for a good mother and these nutes should keep all of the different phenotypes nice and healthy. Can't wait to see more.
I've used Dyna-Gro from veg to flower! Absolutely great product. I never even thought of comparing DG to AN. Great job! Like I've been telling friends all along, It's a good and stable product!

The KLN Product has to be the best and least expensive cloning/rooting agent Ive ever used! No more cloning gels/powders.
Is this done with rockwool cubes? I'm asking because I have heard multiple times that Dyna-gro is "hard-core" and "causes a lot of problems." Why would they say that?
Is this done with rockwool cubes? I'm asking because I have heard multiple times that Dyna-gro is "hard-core" and "causes a lot of problems." Why would they say that?

Scapegoating probably, grower inexperience most likely. It is one of the cheapest, easiest and most reliable products out there - SOLID. The paradox is that they don't keep the Foliage Pro product in any of the hydroshops around here. I'm speculating due to the fact that the major distributors don't carry it, ordering direct isn't something that helps their margin, and it would reduce sales of other higher priced and somewhat confusing nutrient & additive marketplace.
dyna gro specialize's in hydro thats where there roots are. check their website.big mike from a/n is gonna be pissed cause a/n has been exposed!! GREAT work h/b
I bet that HB ends up with a pound of fine bud using the Advanced Nutes, results that most growers would consider stellar. Just not quite up the performance level of the dynagrow.
Dyna IS still in the lead for me... I just hope when I switch to Flower they will hold their own...Not exactly sure how to use it in Flower though..little bit of Grow with the bloom perhaps 1 to 4 ratio ???
Dyna IS still in the lead for me... I just hope when I switch to Flower they will hold their own...Not exactly sure how to use it in Flower though..little bit of Grow with the bloom perhaps 1 to 4 ratio ???

Sounds about correct. I also use Dyna-Gro Grow through both the grow and veg stage, keeping the ladies green til the very end.

Good luck!
Dyna IS still in the lead for me... I just hope when I switch to Flower they will hold their own...Not exactly sure how to use it in Flower though..little bit of Grow with the bloom perhaps 1 to 4 ratio ???

I have had great results using Foilage Pro for veg and then just switching to their Grow formula for flower. You can mix and match ratios like HB does but I have had great results just switching to the Grow for flower. MJ is a foliage based plant that loves nitrogen. Foliage pro is huge on nitrogen for veg and then Grow is slightly less ofcourse. It seems to help keep them green and vigorous all through flower.
I'm loving this, I'm going to be switching to hydro and was trying to decide between AN from there hype and Dyna from word of mouth and from HB's GH Dyna grow from before. The Dyna seems so much more easy and cheaper that I'm going to have to try them first and maybe do a comparison like this once i get a second system going. Keep up the great work HB.
Not sure how much you get Dutch Master Gold for but can get the Dyna-gro Grow and Bloom 1 gallon on Ebay for $47.88 each including s/h and BGHydro.com for $39.95 for each plus s/h which for both is around $16
You guys know how long Dynagrow and bloom have been out? I first saw it almost thirty years ago. We imported some to OZ. Had it analysed and made our own. Thats back when you could buy ferts without them thinking you wanna blow something up. Worked a treat. I still have the recipes around somewhere.
You guys know how long Dynagrow and bloom have been out? I first saw it almost thirty years ago. We imported some to OZ. Had it analysed and made our own. Thats back when you could buy ferts without them thinking you wanna blow something up. Worked a treat. I still have the recipes around somewhere.

Post recipes!
1post and you saw this 30 years ago and have the recipe.proof or gtfo. Somehow i think the company would have evolved there product at least by small amounts over 30 years. BESIDES would you like to tell me how you go about obtaining raw materials even in "concentrate" form the amounts are small unless your making huge vats
Hard to say cause you have dynagrow dialed in. Conniosseur is sappose to keep them in peak bloom longer..
what are your ppms looking like?
I run my AK47 at 800-850 ppm or about 1.2 EC. That’s what they liked with DynaGro so that’s how much Connoisseur they’re getting.

In regards to ‘keeping them in peak bloom longer’, I don’t ever see ‘peak bloom’ myself. It’s a slow and gradual process for me but maybe you’ll see something in the pictures to come that confirms what you’ve heard.

Is this done with rockwool cubes? I'm asking because I have heard multiple times that Dyna-gro is "hard-core" and "causes a lot of problems." Why would they say that?
Yes this is rockwool and I’d also describe DynaGro as ‘hardcore’ as well, but in a good way. I simply don’t have any issues to deal with. Low salt build-up, steady pH, and easy to use.

I bet that HB ends up with a pound of fine bud using the Advanced Nutes, results that most growers would consider stellar. Just not quite up the performance level of the dynagrow.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with a pound, that’s just lower than what I normally yield out of the strains I grow in these tables. If connoisseur produces a pound, that would be a failure in this comparison.

Dyna IS still in the lead for me... I just hope when I switch to Flower they will hold their own...Not exactly sure how to use it in Flower though..little bit of Grow with the bloom perhaps 1 to 4 ratio ???
I use a minimum of 1ml/gallon of grow all through the bloom phase, expect maybe the last week. Make up the rest of your EC with bloom and protekt.
Yes this is rockwool and I’d also describe DynaGro as ‘hardcore’ as well, but in a good way. I simply don’t have any issues to deal with. Low salt build-up, steady pH, and easy to use.

Just out of curiosity do you leach your rockwool periodically? I was leaching with an extremely mild nutrient solution weekly (during rez change) to leach away excess salts in my rockwool. Honestly I'm not even sure I needed to do this but was doing so as a preventative measure more than anything else. If you do leach, do you use products to do so? In Cervantes' bible he says that a very weak nutrient solution (say 2-3 mil/gal of dyna grow) would get rid of more salts than just water but I am now wondering if I should spring for a product like Clearex to leach my RW.
