Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

@homebrewer just wanted to say thank you,ive been following your work and have learned alot about proper plant nutrition from your posts.I too am seeing the same things you are seeing with dynagro,simple and solid nutrition sans marketing mumbo jumbo or exploitative pricing schemes.

I had a quart of protekt once precipitate on me and I called dynagro and they sent me a replacement free of charge.
I don't mean to be a dick here but this is going to be my last response to you as it's not my job to catch you up to speed. You have some stuff to learn and perhaps this thread was too much too soon for you?

Dont worry you can be yourself all you want it wont bother me. I think if I was a rookie I would listen to your misleading information. I feel blessed to be one of those who are ahead of this thread so I can tell the truth from the bullshit. Theres alot of truth in what you say but alot of tunnel vision also.

Potassium silicate is potassium silicate. Compare the labels.

Yeah comparing labels shows me that there are different % strenght, some add K some add sodium, some transform into a cloud creating lockout some create salt build up some make your stalk bigger then the other... potassium silicate is potassium silicate but doesnt mean its the same formula in each bottle like it doesnt mean the most expensive one is better or the less expensive one is better.

Do you think a 9-3-6 plant food is going to perform the same at a 3-9-6 in hydro? Those two NPKs will grow plants vastly different from one another and the subsequent yields will be different too (I would know, I've done the tests). Sure, adding more light will help yields but the emphasis here is OPTIMAL nutrition for yield and quality with all things being equal.

I think every formula is different and even with the same formula each clone will grow different because not one clone will have the same yield and as long as all the essential elements are there in a balanced ratio, the plant will uptake what it needs and not what you decide is the right npk for them is... so your clones that grew the most roots will perform better then the clones who have less root mass so the uptake on each clone will be dependent of root mass not your ownn or bottled npk value. All you had to do for your DG vs AN to be legit is tell us the highest yielding plant in each grow, this would have much more accuracy then total yield best performing DG clone vs best performing AN clone....

The difference between you and a seasoned veteran is that clearly you're not consistent in your process.

Find me one person that can take exact cuttings and have the root growth synchronized and grow the same amount of roots in veg and have them all at the exact same height. As close as you can get to that it will never be all the same very close yes the same never.... I think your process is not consistent because you fail to take a close look at your variables

The mineral profile that you feed your plants can have a profound effect on yields. You said in your post above that you're not at all consistent in your results so it is not a surprise to me that you can't tell the difference between plant foods. That's the difference between you and me, I'm consistent.

No im not consistent because theres always room for improvement so im always improving. Every cycle to me is a chance to R&D, don't make me show you my setup you will see how consistent I am. I'm so consistent that I look at all the variables. Like I said nutrients dont count for much but keeping your plant healthy and the one that keeps it the healthiest will yield more obviously. Yield is light medium and c02. If I got those dialed better then you I will always yield more even if your nutrient as a better nutrient profile. Ain't none wrong if DG works for you but you put to much emphasize on nutrient telling rookies change your nutrient you will yield more is misleading.

DG in this comparison was more concentrated, pH stable, more economical, easier to use, and it was also a better performer. I'd ask you to run a similar comparison but it sounds like you need to be more consistent in your results before you run off comparing products.

I can understand that. But telling people lower buds were fluffy because of nutrients is very ignorant especially from a self claimed veteran like you. I will run a similar comparison to validate your research it would actually be a good thing if someone did. After this cycle I promise to do it. I'm interested to see what the results will be.

I'm in no way trying to bash what you have accomplished I just hoped you was more considerate of variable and more consistent. I feel like you thru the shittiest clones to your an table and put all the nicer more robust clones in the dynagro tray. I will make sure to spread them equally and I will only care about the highest yielding clone and not total yield.
This thinking really confuses me. Last I heard, a plant needs 16 different nutes. How many nutes are stored in your leaves? Mine have none lol

FYI theres nutrients stored in your leafs, for example when you take a clone it will absorb all the nutrients in the leafs when theres no more it will then try to grow roots. Hope your not confused anymore or I can go in more details....
the plant will uptake what it needs and not what you decide is the right npk for them is.

This is patently false.This is kinda why nutrient toxicites exsist.

Numerous studies have proven most fruiting plants will continue to uptake things like potassium,even if there isnt a need,for example.Talk to commercial fruit growers about that.

The idea that you can just feed your plant whatever,and it will just uptake what it needs is pretty ridiculous.A balanced NPK is important,to prevent lockouts and toxicities.

You come here talking shit to a well respected member here and you bring nothing but nonsence and opinions.

Unfortunately,this one sentence pretty much invalidates anything else you have to say on the matter.
This is patently false.This is kinda why nutrient toxicites exsist.

Numerous studies have proven most fruiting plants will continue to uptake things like potassium,even if there isnt a need,for example.Talk to commercial fruit growers about that.

The idea that you can just feed your plant whatever,and it will just uptake what it needs is pretty ridiculous.A balanced NPK is important,to prevent lockouts and toxicities.

You come here talking shit to a well respected member here and you bring nothing but nonsence and opinions.

Unfortunately,this one sentence pretty much invalidates anything else you have to say on the matter.

Im pretty sure i said a balanced npk ratio in my previous post and im speaking in general plants dont uptake everything even if they dont need it ofcourse somethings they will keep grasping but not everything... in general they take what they need.... stop being all scientific you'll get lost just like them...

Btw aint no point for me talk shit, just want the right info out there.
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Im pretty sure i said a balanced npk ratio in my previous post and im speaking in general plants dont uptake everything even if they dont need it ofcourse somethings they will keep grasping but not everything... in general they take what they need.... stop being all scientific you'll get lost just like them...

Ya that darn science its so obfuscated and shady...cant ever trust that shifty science.

You are right that nutrition is only a piece of the pie to grow a healthy plant.But your knowledge of basic botany is clearly lacking.You make some good points,its just a shame the basic knowledge underneath all the bullshit, just isnt there.
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Wow ! Great pissing match ! I know people follow this thread as a imperical study ... sometimes on forums , I wonder if folks like Guy LeDouche are just a ficticious facade , whose only point is to throw rocks at a hornets nest . That being said ... we are following this thread to learn . People having different opinions and methods is totally cool , let`s just not disparage other`s if their methods don`t match you own paradigm .
FYI theres nutrients stored in your leafs, for example when you take a clone it will absorb all the nutrients in the leafs when theres no more it will then try to grow roots. Hope your not confused anymore or I can go in more details....

FYI, your plant's leaves store nutrients like your arms store cheeseburgers lol. The roots convert the nutes into stuff the plant can actually use, you won't find stores of Mag, Cal, or any other mineral in the leaves. Do some basic book learnin'...

But what do I know, I'm just a "ficticious façade" lol. If anyone actually read the "Truth about Flushing" link they would see much smarter folk explaining it much better, but the fact remains. Leaves don't store minerals...this is not a troll....

Edit: and @posterart if you must insult me, please try to spell my name right, it's just common courtesy ;)
Monsieur LeDuche , Sorry I spelled your name wrong . I said other people having different opinions was cool . I wasn`t trying to insult you . You just seem to be contradictory to what this thread is about . Maybe you should start your own thread and see if anyone is interested to follow it .
Monsieur LeDuche , Sorry I spelled your name wrong . I said other people having different opinions was cool . I wasn`t trying to insult you . You just seem to be contradictory to what this thread is about . Maybe you should start your own thread and see if anyone is interested to follow it .

Fair point, just because someone said something I know to be untrue doesn't mean I have to make an issue of it. People are allowed to be wrong lol.

As far as not trying to insult me, I'm not so sure....

sometimes on forums , I wonder if folks like Guy LeDouche are just a ficticious facade , whose only point is to throw rocks at a hornets nest .

Not exactly a compliment.... But no hard feelings and I apologize for slightly derailing, as I follow this thread to learn about the original topic :)
homebrewer - you can actually run a small blumat system with a light amount of nutes into promix. How many years ago did you find this out? lol
Dyna Gro Foliage Pro
"" Protekt

I need more money so i can get some actual space to do this shit. sucks being broke...

this is what she looks like before she starts her day.

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Good day HomeBrewer!
Hope all is well.
It would appear that I have read all of your wonderful threads.
Do you have any other threads that you would consider a must read?
I currently run soil but I am in the process of transitioning over to RWDC.
I run a 1200w LED and read that it will cause plants to become cal/mag deficient, I have not seen it in soil but was wondering if you have heard or witnessed it in hydro.
I do run the Dyna-Gro nutrients and that is how I found your tests.
I run RO
My question is
In your never ending quest for perfection, what nutrients are you running now in hydro.
Foliage Pro in veg with a dash of protekt?
Combination of grow and bloom for flower?
Or are you running grow all the way through.
Just curious as I have my own ideas but I also value your opinion.

Thank you in advance
My question is
In your never ending quest for perfection, what nutrients are you running now in hydro.
Foliage Pro in veg with a dash of protekt?
Combination of grow and bloom for flower?
Or are you running grow all the way through.
Just curious as I have my own ideas but I also value your opinion.

Thank you in advance

In hydro, I like foliage pro and protekt in veg and combos of foliage pro and bloom during flower (I use protekt during flower too). You only need enough FP (or grow) during flower to keep the plants green. I've run bloom, grow, and foliage pro by themselves in flower and what I do now works the best so far. Hope that helps.
In hydro, I like foliage pro and protekt in veg and combos of foliage pro and bloom during flower (I use protekt during flower too). You only need enough FP (or grow) during flower to keep the plants green. I've run bloom, grow, and foliage pro by themselves in flower and what I do now works the best so far. Hope that helps.

I was thinking along those lines as well.
Thank you
Are you still cutting out the protekt in the last 2 weeks?

did dyna gro ever hook you up with some goodies? i saw their post where they gave you an atta boy for all the good words about them

They gifted me a few quarts of their stuff and included some of their cloning gel and some KLN. I currently use Dip-N-Grow for cuts but I'm going to do a side-by-side with their gel in the next month to see how it does. They're good people over there for sure!