Early budding - what do I do?


Well-Known Member
Get them out of the shade...Thats the only way I would think it would flower,if it was being shaded....


Well-Known Member
Make sure the pot does'nt get hot.....you can add garden lime,then give them a dose of Nitrogen..


Well-Known Member
is it bag seed? If so then you might have got some auto flowering seeds. Thats really the only thing i can think of.


Well-Known Member
since they're still in pots, at the end of the day put them under lights, then take them back out the next day.

give them 24/7 light for about a week or two and they'll snap out of it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Keep them away from any male pollen. Small females can get touched by pollen and start making seeds instead of vegging. It can happen even if there isn't much more than pre flowers.