Early fading?


Ive got some Green Poison plants that are in 4th wk of flower and are starting to fade already. I veg'd a lil longer than I should have. would it hurt to give these girls a shot of veg nutes or should I let them go? They are in SS and I don't have anymore to top dress. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Go get some warm castings, and top dress. Teas will help, next time make your ss a lil stronger and see how the lil lady likes it, im running ss/ rols and loving how it's treating my ladies .


Use a high N or Peruvian Seabird guano, with decent amount of both soluble and insoluble nitrogen. For smaller plants you might not need too much, 1-2 tsp per gallon, but larger plants could perhaps use 1-2 tbsp (mix with water). You could also aerate for about a day with some blackstrap and strain if necessary for foliar application, which will allow for more immediate absorption.


Well-Known Member
Nullis- Did you notice he's already 4 weeks into flower? I'd avoid spraying them with bird or bat poo juice this late in the game, but that's just my preference.


Well-Known Member
I say add a tablespoon of Fish Emulsion per gallon of water and you will see the green come back quickly.

Seabird guano would be better since you're 4 weeks into flowering and the plant will benefit from the high P besides the High N it has, but fish emulsion is cheap and works perfectly.


Well-Known Member
Use a high N or Peruvian Seabird guano, with decent amount of both soluble and insoluble nitrogen. For smaller plants you might not need too much, 1-2 tsp per gallon, but larger plants could perhaps use 1-2 tbsp (mix with water). You could also aerate for about a day with some blackstrap and strain if necessary for foliar application, which will allow for more immediate absorption.
Nullis's way is a great way to do it. I do this all the time.

How about an alfalfa and kelp meal tea. Per 5 gallons. Coot's tea.

1 cup of Alfalfa meal
1/4 cup of kelp meal

Bubble 24 hours. Water at this strength or 1:1 for folliar.


Peruvian + some high P guano or Earth Juice Bloom, if it's a quick bloomer, again the dose is somewhat critical but I would say 1-2 tsp is fine for most plants. Better to aerate later applications, and IMO foliar feeding is fine up until the very final 2 or 3 weeks, especially shortly after lights on (target the foliage, I have a pressure sprayer that comes with a few kinds of nozzles). The Sunleaves Peruvian (12-11-2) I have has 4% soluble N, most of the rest isn't immediately available. Add blackstrap molasses to provide for K and some micronutrients (it will also feed the micro-organisms in the guano).


Well-Known Member
Peruvian + some high P guano or Earth Juice Bloom, if it's a quick bloomer, again the dose is somewhat critical but I would say 1-2 tsp is fine for most plants. Better to aerate later applications, and IMO foliar feeding is fine up until the very final 2 or 3 weeks, especially shortly after lights on (target the foliage, I have a pressure sprayer that comes with a few kinds of nozzles). The Sunleaves Peruvian (12-11-2) I have has 4% soluble N, most of the rest isn't immediately available. Add blackstrap molasses to provide for K and some micronutrients (it will also feed the micro-organisms in the guano).
When you foliar feed that late does it in anyway effect the taste? I have never foliar fed in flowering.


Well-Known Member
During flower I've sprayed lemon juice or neem up until the 7th week. But only on leaves that have had pm. I sprayed kelp and aloe for the first 2 weeks every 3 or 4 days. No effect on taste. I let the soil dry out the after the last watering before chop. To get a nice quick fade. Imo that improves flavor and smoothness.


When you foliar feed that late does it in anyway effect the taste? I have never foliar fed in flowering.
Short answer is no, not that I or anyone else has noticed anyways. It's good to rinse them off with a fine mist of [mainly] just water the next day, though, unclogs the stomata. Only "problem" I have noticed is, if the tea turned out very dark and I didn't dilute it enough, or very fine particles of compost made it through the sprayer... you can get spots on the leaves of a film\residue from the compost tea once it dries out. It makes the leaves look somewhat dirty, and in my experience these spots aren't always easy to rinse off (likely bound by bioslime).

After I apply AACT to foliage I always try to follow-up with plain water, or something light, like a fulvic acid\trace mineral supplement, Catalyst or even a low dose of blackstrap. As harvest approaches (about 2 wks prior), just bottled spring water as a fine mist to try to rinse off any dust, dirt, pet hair or other debris or residues. It is important to do this as early in the day as possible: either just before or shortly after lights on, giving them the rest of the day to dry out. I would not recommend spraying anything much later than 6 hours prior to lights out. I wouldn't recommend spraying anything in the final week of bloom. It is also important to consider your relative humidity, bud size and density. For very large\dense buds in a somewhat humid environment you need to exercise additional precautions; any foliar sprays should be applied in the morning first thing with no exceptions, no spraying in the final three weeks, fans on day and night for continuous air circulation, and humidity control if necessary. Otherwise you're just asking for bud rot.


Well-Known Member
fading early? let em fade and try to adjust for next grow. chances are it will be the smoothest weed u ve ever smoked. i would never spray anything like compost tea during flowering, especially in the second half of flowering period... horsetail tea or lemon juice in the first half is ok if u really have to. I N MY OPINION

EDIT i just noticed u said 4 weeks ... sorry i mostly wanted to say that i disagree with spraying compost tea on the flowers!! but at 4 weeks i would topdress with more SS and but if the strain goes less than 8 weeks i would simply feed organic bloom fertilizer 2-4-4 if you can find something like that!


I didn't have any SS left over so I gave a light dose of Alaskan Fish Emulsion and it seems to be helping. I may give it 1 more light dose of EJ Bloom in a wk and then let the fading do its thing. Sound ok to you guys? Got 2 Grape God that are starting to fade also. Im gonna give them the same.