Early Flowering question


Active Member
I'm new to this board and I have grown marjiuana a few times before but i wanted to try something new so i can gaurantee 2 females at the end.

I am growing 4 plants in 16oz party cups, then i wanted to flower them to find out the sex and get rid of the males, then right after that i want to take the 2 best females (if i get more then 2 females) and put them back into veg. When would be the best time to repot? and also would the plants last that long in the party cups (probably about 6 weeks, 2 weeks to grow,2 weeks to flower, 2 week to put back in to veg)


Well-Known Member
that depends under fluros ive seen plants kept as mothers in small ass pots for months(6-9months in half gal round)) but their not the healthiest looking plants but by no means dead their still cloning them and gonna repot when they flower. keep in mind they have been controled as far as height goes and not under hid just fluroescent lamps. now a party cup on the other hand might be a little too small but a step up might be good just watch for pot/root bound, use lots if thrive alive or vitamin b1 ans you should recieve little or no transplant shock. remember the more roots that are handled while transplanting are gonna stress no matter what so dont leave it too long also ive found that a darker envrioment helps the transplants. just be gentle and no worrys mate


Well-Known Member
what are you feeding them daily? if anything that contains kelp or vitamin b1 you might want to drop that to slow root development a little


Active Member
sorry I didnt mention this before. I didnt start this grow yet. The seeds are germinating right now, i just wanted to find out all of the information i could about this before I started the grow. thanks for the quick replys so far.


Well-Known Member
how much space how many/kind light i kinda got the same thing goin. how long do you plan to let them gro before 12/12 to sex?


Active Member
When ever they sprout out of the soil i was going to give them 2 weeks and then flower them early which would take hopefully no more then 2 weeks and then reveg them which i also hope it wont take more then 2 weeks. I have about a 2 foot about 2 1/2 foot wide area with about 3 to 4 feet of room for height. I grow under flourecents and have always grown under florurecents.


Well-Known Member
they will show sex after just 2 weeks of veg? shit with i had known that two weeks ago lol. yeah i wish i could help more my setups not so similar so i think thats all i got sorry bro


Active Member
you can flower your plant and re veg them when ever you want, just dont wait too long during flowering because if i remember correctly there is a certain point in flowering were the plant will just continue flowering and wont go back to veg.

thanks for the help, I just hope my plants can survive being forced flowered and then forced back to veg and survive the re pot all in a matter of a few weeks.
i dont know alot about that but i been doin a ass of research n i dnt think its wise to just let them grow for 2 weeks and then flower n then backto veggie repot u should just go ahead and just kill your plants before you start lol