Early Harvest Question


Well-Known Member
So I have an issue where I need to harvest my plants within the next two days. Problem is, almost none of the hairs are red, but the buds(although tiny) are loaded with crystals. What's my next step?


you have no choice right? wait as long as you can i guess.


Well-Known Member
Well dilema, I say Wait as long as possible but in the next 2-3 days since you must cut them. Can you keep them under lights while drying them (Or rather have lights under them facing UP so that they use as much of their remaining chloraphyl as possible. I believe It is the Chloraphyl that makes the smoke HARSH so make it use as much as possible. That and Nutes thats why people reccomend flushing.


Well dilema, I say Wait as long as possible but in the next 2-3 days since you must cut them. Can you keep them under lights while drying them (Or rather have lights under them facing UP so that they use as much of their remaining chloraphyl as possible. I believe It is the Chloraphyl that makes the smoke HARSH so make it use as much as possible. That and Nutes thats why people reccomend flushing.
Having the lights on them to use up chlorophyl is'nt exactly proven - if i'm not mistaken, alot of growers dry them in the dark. and have no problems, anyone else have anything to say on that note?


Well-Known Member
Having the lights on them to use up chlorophyl is'nt exactly proven:joint:
I believe it IS a personal preferance, I can taste chemicals in things, so therefore I prefer not to taste the chloraphyl or nutes (which some people say they can and some say they can't)


Well-Known Member
I don't think you should do it,but if you HAVE TO cut,cut at the latest time possible,when you feel you can't go any longer at all.


Well-Known Member
I once harvested a plant over a month early b/c of a personal issue. The buds were rock hard and totally green with all white hairs and totally clear trichomes.

What happend was unbelievable. The hairs all turned red on their own and the buds cured up nice. The resulting buds were very potent. Go figure. I never checked the trichomes again but I can tell you that the high was great. I do think that trichomes can turn amber during the curing phase.