Early Harvest Sacrifice? Which one?


Active Member
When the lights kicked on this morning I saw the conditions inside the grow tent are really too crowded. i've five plants inside a 4 x 4. they only have two weeks in flowering right now. all have small buds everywhere. two mekong high. 1 white widow, bushy dense compact. 1 northern light auto not so bushy but growing nicely. 1 critical plus, also nice. all but the white widow are lst. no more room sideways and maybe should sacrifice one early. which one would you sacrifice or is there something else i can do. i wanted to put the white widow and cr+ back into veg after harvest since i have mekong seeds and other seeds to grow but no other white widow and no other cr+ but if they are good i would probably get more seeds anyway. i haven't attempted to clone yet and don't have the space or or equipment right now. suggestions? advice? i will try to post a pic.


If I would to take off a plant it would be the auto NL. Autos don't do very well in 12/12 flower, so you might as well keep the real photo period plants. bongsmilie


Active Member
IMG_0566.jpgthis is the nl auto
IMG_0559.jpgthe whole gang in there.
IMG_0560.jpgwhite widow. doesn't look so hot from the top but she is filled inside.


Active Member
If I would to take off a plant it would be the auto NL. Autos don't do very well in 12/12 flower, so you might as well keep the real photo period plants. bongsmilie
thanks :) learning a lot about autos. she was a freebie. pretty hardy so far.


Active Member
Rotate your plants daily.
thanks :) i turn them around so they benefit from the side lighting but don't move them around- hard on my back. i make sure they each get some optimum light but with the t5 h.o. on the sides, they can get burned. yesterday it happened. the t5 have always been a pain to keep vertical and within close range without burning the leaves. i have a love/hate relationship with them.


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem with crowding cause I got more females than I was thinking. I just went out and bought more lighting. I didn't want to waste a month and a half and just toss a plant. If you must do something take the auto and throw it in a closet or something with a few cfls, so its not a complete waste. Also you can turn them like Mango said daily, the only problem with that is, its still early and you have a lot more time before they are finished and they are gonna get a lot bigger to the point where you cant move anything without breaking something. Good luck with whatever you chose.


Well-Known Member
I've had over crowding in my flower room before.....11 plants in a 5x7 room....and they all did fine. It depends on how much lighting you have. I had 1,000w above and then I stuck in some CFL's that lit the bottoms of the plants (make sure you don't burn the leaves if you do this). Two weeks isn't long...do your best with what you have.


Well-Known Member
Right on.
The More Light the Better.
Yah man, if you can spin them around that will help out alot.


Active Member
hey all, thanks a lot. i can take the nl auto and put her under cfl's in a corner and give her more time. great advice. so grateful. happy growing and grow happy. i'm getting there.