early harvest?? should i harvest now?? HELP please!


should i harvest now?? HELP please! PICS
i've been growing these two plants in my greenhouse for a while now and as you can see from the pics they are flowering. my parents originally agreed to the growing but now they are having second thoughts very close to the harvest stage
they wont to give the plants away for someone else to grow them and keep half the yield.
Therefore i would like to harvest now so i dont have to give them away.
could i harvest them now?
how much longer would they normally have?

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Well-Known Member
Pick off a bud and nuke it for a few seconds at a clip, til it's dry enough to test out. If the buzz is good enough for ya, chop it, because it's only going to be better, when dried properly.

How old is it? Have any of the trichs turned cloudy yet?


i think it is about 6 weeks into flower but i am not sure. i dont have a magnified glass and you cant tell if the trichs are cloudy unless you have a strong magnified glass can you?? also i cant really smoke it right now.


Well-Known Member
chop them, if it's a choice between losing half my crop or letting them go, i would definately chop. Looks like most of your hairs are red, so go for it.