Early Miss Auto Flower


Active Member
Hope I do not lose this thread, If it is a second one, please bear with seniors.
I have 7 of 10 Early Miss seeds now in Flower stage. They went that way automatically, don't blame me. Five of them have been in three gallon pots under 900 watt LEDs , two of them in five gallon pails under 2K watt LEDs. I have now got all seven of them grouped together under the 900 watts, I have ordered a 1500 watt grow light to augment the Auto Flower area of my grow shed. Here is a shot across the herd, you can see the blue pail of the five gallon plant, the others are the fabric pots.20180929_141247_resized.jpg
I love the bud sites all over the plants. I wish them well. All of them. Muwhahaha.
Here is an outside shot of the same Early Miss seeds in two different pots that were under two different lights. Blue pails and the cloth pots. The leaves are a different colour, the far right plant is bushy like the cloth one on the left. These are all about the same height. The other cloth pots are slightly smaller. Pruned them all. New light should be here by Friday.20180930_135439_resized.jpg
Wife donated her downstairs heater for the Grow Shed use until the other one arrives Friday. It was only 9 degrees out side. I have it set at 15. LEDs give off very little heat. The Early Miss did not seem to mind. Maybe cut down on the air going out as heat is leaving and cold air coming in. Kept the inner room closed to retain heat, it was 12. Spent time cleaning the filter on the heater, it was plugged up big time.
Light arrived. That was fast. 1500 watts (actual 240 w), no veg/bloom switches or daisy chain connectors but full spectrum bright. The Auto Flower seven Early Miss now have both the 1500 and 900 watt LED lights urging them to greatness.The Purple Kush auto is there too.
The four photo period plants in the tent are into their Bloom Stretch, one is Four feet tall. That will either be the Gorilla Glue #4 or Pineapple Rush. I am hoping for the Gorilla.

Here are some bud sites on the Auto Flower grow. Still five weeks to maturity.20181003_081836_resized.jpg
The first picture is of the photo period grow, it has been in Bloom one week less than the Auto Flower.
Here is a shot of the tent and the bud sites underway. Only been in Bloom a few days.
Second shot is a bud already on the Auto Flower, still five weeks to finish. It has been in Bloom a week longer.20181002_105959_resized.jpg 20181003_081836_resized.jpg
Went to my local Grow shop to pick up more Ganja Brand Candy Nutrient. Got the big jug because it is used through out Veg and Bloom periods both. I also got a variable speed addition to the exhaust fan. Cutting down on pumping heated air out of the shed has allowed more heat to be retained. Have not figured out the adjustments to get the numbers I am looking for. I picked up half of the insulation for the ceiling of the shed. One more insulation load once I get this one installed. That is all that will fit into the car. After the ceiling is done, the heat should do a better job of hanging around.
Yesterday, I got my weekly 20 needles into my back. My legs were not very stable, maybe today I get at the ceiling. Also got to the Cana Pop Up Market. Took my mother in law to educate her. I picked up half oz. of assorted connoisseur weed to hold me over till the Broken Coast order I have not placed yet, arrives. Found one seed in the Indica. Forget the name but realize it is un sexed.I don't think I have ever got a seed from my LP. Still raining so maybe ceiling tomorrow.
Next Lifted Market is in Toronto on the 20th. If interested, mark your calendar now. To this point entry has been free, that could change. By the time we left this week, I was glad I was not driving.
Insulation installation going slowly. Damn worker is just too slow and would be fired but I am all that I can afford.
Early Miss Auto Flower, still 3 - 5 days to go. Four other plants from the same EM planting are still weeks away. The Purple Kush AF I planted about the same time is doing well. I have tied down 5 of it's crowns to allow more light to the lower buds.
The Photo Period plants in the tent are doing very well, still 3 weeks before they are close. They are close to five feet high, buds everywhere.
Great post. I also have a few Early miss on the go. 1 plant isnt very resinous but the other 2 are very sticky. They grow nice dense big buds. Keep us updated.