early outdoor budding


Active Member
I live in south africa and decided to plant a little early this year cause im growing on my loft balcony way above the cold weather. i put the plants in some good looking/working, albeit regular old garden soil from a friends herb garden and after about 3 weeks i split the 1st nodes and did the same again a week later. at four weeks i found some manure pellets on a farm and dumped a few handfull on my little guys, at this point the plant was sharing a pot with a buddy who turned out to be a male so i expelled him about two weeks ago. now we are at about 6 weeks (and one week into spring) and the female of the species has started busting out some good looking purplish buds... i believe this is pretty young for a plant to bust out. the manure has seeped deep into the soil and it stays pretty wet down there, getting watered about 200ml each day (its very dry from winter still so there is zero humidity) the big bottom leaves are turning slightly yellow but the overall appearance is of a healthy bud...

I want to know whether there is anything i can do to get the buds to grow bigger as im worried about a low yield. and also if there is any advice on whether i should be making any special moves to help my girl along????

She gets about 12/3 hours of sunlight a day about 10 of which is direct.

there is a gallery i posted if you can find it on my profile (sorry new at this) if you want to have a look. I would really appreciate the help as for now im just winging it! :leaf::!::leaf:


Well-Known Member
If your plant has started budding, theres not much you can do but let it flower. Now if you want to increase yeild, I reccomend trying to find some bloom nutrients. I use tiger bloom and its NPK is 2-8-4. So try to find something close to those ratios.

Also I am a firm believer in using molasses during flowering. Hightimes reported it to increase resin production and make buds swell up to 20% bigger. I use 2 tablespoons a gallon during flowering.

About your bottom leaves turning slightly yellow, that is probably becuase of your watering schedual. You should not be watering everyday. You want to totally saturate your soil, and then let it dry out. So water it really well ( until some water comes out of the drainage holes ) and then do not water again until the top 2 inches are dry. Plants need water, but they also need oxygen. Watering it everyday keeps the soil wet and doesnt allow the plants to get the oxygen they require.

Best of luck to you Matt <3


Active Member
thanks a lot jack.

ill get on that asap. another quick question. the buds are starting to form small pockets that look like male flower pods. should i be removing these or leaaving them alone?