Early PM - Trash the Crop? 2 Week and 6 Week flowering


Well-Known Member
I have the early stage of PM on pretty much every plant. Right now it's just lil white spots on the leaves(as far as I can tell). Some plants have a few spots, some only one or two.

I've read some online about prevention and treatment, I'm gonna cut off the affected leaves and go ask the hydro store guy what they have. Should I just trash them and start over? How can I treat the closet to prevent this next time? Any advice is great, thanks!!



Well-Known Member
You can also get some neem oil and some dish soap to emulsify the oil and spray the shit out of them. The neem oil will leave a coating on the leafs and will prevent it from taking hold of the leaf. But you have to repeat sprays once or twice a week.


Well-Known Member
Do not use any neem in the presence of flowers. Thc is fat soluble. Green Cure is pretty much baking soda, it is very effective, it dries up and shakes off eventually.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, went the the hydro store and first he tried to sell me a sulfur bomb. Then showed me Mildew Cure and Green Cure. Both are organic but he said Mildew Cure worked better so I got that.

I did not want to spray and could not quarantine the 6 week flowers. So I trashed em, 15 in all but most were very small SOG sytle. I sprayed the shit out of the 2 weekers on the last day of 2 weeks with the mildew cure and they seem to be good so far.

Also making sure not to water late then leave the door closed all night, lol.


Well-Known Member
once you have pm its there for good sure you can treat it but there is no getting rid of it once the plant has it