early sexing and cloning questions


Well-Known Member
so I just planted one seed and have two more germinating and i was wondering, to save time and possibly money getting seeds, how early can I cut clones from my plant? Also how can I see what sex my plants are w/out doing something crazy? man I sound like a real noob =p maybe it would be easier just to get seeds


Well-Known Member
According to the Cannabis Grow Bible you should wait until about the 3rd or 4th week of vegging to take a clone.

"The best place to take a cutting for cloning is above a node that has at least two nodes above it. The smallest cuttings on average are three inches in length." ~page 166.

As for sexing, this is also from the Grow Bible

"'Force-flowering' is probably the best early-sexing method. To force-flower a cannabis plant, simply take a cutting and place it in a cup of water or a cloning medium, such as rockwool. Expose the cutting to 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of total darkness. The cutting should flower and display it's sex -- however the plant must be mature enought to present its sex. An immature plant will not show sex because initial calyx development is not photoperiod-related. Plants normally mature around the forth week of vegative growth because sex is not genetically determined until the third week of growth." ~page 102


Well-Known Member
black paper bags at eight pm then go back at eight in morn and take off then back on at eight that night for two weeks and you see what you want to see if you dont see hairs just balls then get it outta there can grow at another spot for seeds but not near your others cuz youll get all your plnats having balls n you dont wnat that


Well-Known Member
Sorry for stealin your thread doctorrobert. just got one more question. does the 12/12 have to be exact? i could put them on at 7pm and off at 7am


Well-Known Member
No, as long as it's 12 hours. If anything, I would think doing it at 7 would be better because you get an hour more of light. I mean, isn't it usually already pretty dark by 8? It is in these parts.


Well-Known Member
Are you asking if you could do a window grow, or just root a clone by a window? And area you talking about just putting the clone in a glass....of water?


Well-Known Member
....maybe....WHAT? Maybe you're doing a window grow? Maybe you're rooting a clone by a window? Maybe that clone's just in water?

Help ME help YOU.


Well-Known Member
i think he means cut a clone and put a glass upside down overtop to keep humidity in maybe.... or maybe just wants to root the clone in a glass of water


Well-Known Member
just like keep the clone in a glass of water and put it into 12/12 just to see the sex then discard it or maybe keep it real low somehow and hide it out on the property or somethin. don't know if i'm going to do this even if it would work.

p.s. how long until my seed sprouts put it in on sunday and fed it with some fish emulsion on tuesday.


Active Member
I'd wait until you have a plant to feed before you start serving it fish emulsion.




Well-Known Member
No kidding! Most people don't start giving their plants nutes until like 3rd or 4th week of vegging...and even then, only if the plants look like they need it. I've never heard of anyone doing it from the start...I hope it doesn't do any damage


Well-Known Member
I did it to some bean seeds a while back and when they sprouted up they shot up to the heavens! but I just planted one more seed that was barley showing a tail thingy