early stage def..ph runoff..sunshine mix 4 aggregate


Some of my plants are showing these symptoms

im running them in straight sunshine mix 4 aggregate and the ph runoff has been 7.0 to 7.5 even if I try to flush with 5.5 ph.

ive been feeding at 5.8 ph atm around 400ppm and runoff ppm is about 550

when I water I get plenty of runoff..

I did a slurry test with someof the medium from the plant and also from the bale with r.o water and ph always comes back around 7.0..I tthought this mix was very acidic and people say to add dolomite (which I didnt)



These plants are also from seed

im thinking of maybe transplanting I to a different medium

I was going to ignore the runoff and co tinue to feed feed at 5.8until I saw this

I read the only thing that will make the medium ph drop at this point is if I add more nutrients but 500 seems like enough for this stage

