Anyone ever use this product, just bought myself some because that fucking great white shark was 37 bucks while earth juice mycos was fucking 12 bucks. Just curious to know if its worth it to go the cheap way out
Ok, here's my shpeel - I use EJ rooters. It gets mixed in when I make a batch of soil. Both for repotting established plants, and the batch for cuttings and seeds. My opiniion of it is that it is an ok product, but since it is granular rather than powder I consider it a booster, rather than the main show.
When filling the cups/pots for cuttings, clones, or lg plants, I sprinkle in a bit of Roots Organics OregonismXL. A 1.8 oz bag costs $8. I use a tiny measuring spoon and tap it lightly in the hole and aroundthe soil mid level. It is a powder. I have dipped cuttings directly in it, and have also sprinkled it on them as they were potted - this was not effective.
I don't like to over do the Mycorrhizae product because they are terrific transporters of Phosphorus once they have passed the 6 or 8 week time period it takes for them to establish their network of growth. Do not disturb the soil, if possible, unless you MUST. It'll break the chain the Mycos build. It took some redoing to configure (P) Phosphorus requirement in flowering after starting to use this. You didn't say you were a newbie with it, so you may not need my advice, but here's my take on the "jaws" product.
If you grow marijuana you need Endo's. Jaws contains both Endos and Ectos. So if you are growing birch trees or other conifers great, if not, what is it good for. Why spend that much money on a product that you don't need. In no way, am I voicing an opinion on the quality of "Jaws', or whether it works. I'm sure it works great. Maybe even better than the stuff I use. I'm just not gonna pay for it. Lots of growers will tell you that you can find the right raw materials with a little bit of research, and pay a minimal amount for them. Growers like Soma, and Sannie have it mastered. Check out the plant beds they got goin on. They dont even pull the plants out, just cut em off and wait for the soil to eat up the dead parts. Like self-composting dirt. Cool huh.
Endomycorrhizal Plants: 90% of Plants Mostly Green, Leafy Plants and most Commercially Produced Plants.
Ectomycorrhizal Plants: 5% of Plants - Mainly Conifers & Oaks - more woody plants.There are exceptions to this list. See as an example, or google another site for info.