Earth Worms a problen?


Active Member
Hey everyone I transplanted a large outside girl from a 5g to a 10 g pot and found I had earthworms in my soil. Is this a issue? Do they hurt the roots of cannabis plants? Sorry I dont know shit about worms,lol. thx for any info everyone.


Active Member
How does one get rid of something so prevalent as a earth worm without hurting the plant or ruining the soil with pesticides?


Active Member
thx for the suggestion. Ill look into them. I hope there big traps we got a whole lot of those worms here. Im wanting to put my girls in the ground this year. but im not so sure now if worms are a issue. I always thought they were beneficial to soil and there fore plants. Glad I asked .Thx for tips.


Well-Known Member
caps lock?? also i thought worms arent a problem just only a couple per pot becuause they will leave castings and eat up nasty shit in your soil, the problem i see with them is with too many you can create little water tunnels in your soil so when you feed the water will run through the pot and out the bottom


Active Member
Well it seems that a quick google search suggests they are good for the plants in small amounts. I just found a few big worms in a big pot. I guess they got in through the drain holes in bottom of pots (they sit on grass). But anymore info would be great everyone. Thx for help.


Well-Known Member
Nightcrawlers and red earthworms are good. They aerate your soil, also worm castings come from earthworms. They are a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Someone is giving you a load of shit. Earthworms are great for soil, lots of nitrogen. Some of the soils you buy and nutes have earthworm shit in them because plants love them


Active Member
I'm not experienced on the worms. But don't listen to this troll.
No it seems they are beneficial to my garden and all plants that live in it. they consume the dead and decaying plant matter in the soil including any root rot or dead roots of my girls. So no Worm traps needed. thx all!


Well-Known Member
They eat roots. So I would get rid them. Really they are a nuisance pest.
wrong wrong wrong. They are great for the soil. Have you heard of worm castings? Well it's they're shit which is a high nutrients(nitrogen). Earthworm do not eat roots. Please get your info right before giving advice.