easiest method of using plant trim


Well-Known Member
right ive got a little trim from my plant, what is the easiest method of using it, i dont have any bubble bags and im not good at cooking butter etc...

must be a way i can use it? blend it in my protein shake lol? Stick it between two slices of bread?

any ideas?



Well-Known Member
rigth im guessign i need to add some butter or somthing for the thc

so bit of butter bit of milk simmer

done, sound like a plan?


Well-Known Member
I would just make brownies from it. Doesnt sound like you have very much trim tho, just they might not be that potent but they should give you a decent high.

Get 1/2 cup vegatble oil, put it in a pan. Put heat on 3, add trimmings, and slowly stir. Do this for about an hour. They say it can take up to 12 hours to fully extract all the THC, but most of it gets absorbed into the soil in the first hour or so.

After you do it for an hour, strain the weed out of the oil. (The oil is what you want to keep). Also make sure you press the remaining weed to squeeze the oil that it has in it.

After that just follow the brownie directions, substitute the oiil you made for the oil it tells you to use. Make sure you get a brownie mix that asks for vegatble oil, instead of butter.

Just an idea, good luck


Well-Known Member
BUTANE GAS and make hash oil theres a youtube video check honey hash oil or something

u use butane gas and a tube with trim inside and u will have hash oil in 5 mins