I agree with AnonymousGrower. That's how we do soapbar in Turkey. Collect crystals in to a cellophane. DO NOT USE any other plastic wrap such as saran etc. cellophane is permeable and won't stick to your precious crystals and will not melt when applied heat. Make it in to a small ball, then gently pressing with fingers, turn it in to thin round plate. Wrap it in paper, wet the paper JUST A LITTLE BIT! We often lick both sides of the paper twice DON'T SOAK IT in water or anything. You need it dump but not wet. Wrap some more paper (2 more layers perhaps). Than wrap some aluminium foil. Holding with a pincers or fork, heat it on kitchen stove until (just until) you can smell the hash). Don't over heat. Once heated (immediately) press it under your foot (wearing anything with hard bottom, not sneakers). Appply pressure. Put it under your heel on a hard surface and jump a few dozen times. If you're doing lots of stuff, after your heated the stuff, put a piece of flat stone on it and run over it under your car's tire (that's how we do large soapbars). Key is, some humidity, enough heat, and lots of pressure.