East Coast Gen's Auto Breeding Program


Well-Known Member
This is to document my breeding program and to be able to interact with like minded people. So a quick background about me with Auto's. My first Auto grow was maybe 3 years ago. That went horrible, because I tried to make fem seeds my first round. I thought because I had been growing for years that it was going to be a breeze. Boy was I wrong. I got one plant to reverse and the only pollen that took was from the donor. My second round I bought so many seeds and I planted them right before the summer heat wave came through and it basically wiped them out and the survivors were micro size stunted. What a failure! Then after tons of YouTube learning about Auto's I attempted my 3rd try. It was a big success but it wasn't a total failure neither. So I had horrible germination rates. But I managed to get a seed run done. I also went the traditional route. Instead of making fems, I made Regs. I had multiple strains of fems but I could only find 3 strains that was Regs. I'm a sucker for kush and I found a nice male with deep kushy stem rub and use him for my first donor. The seeds from that run I'm currently running them now. Every round I plan to add a few new strains as well as any old stock. For Now!!! My goal has shifted to another level as far as what I want to accomplish. At first I just wanted to make seeds so I didn't have to buy them over and over. Especially when I wasted so much money in failures I almost just gave up lol. But I'm no quitter! But know I still want to only buy seeds of a strain once and still have a form of it if I like it. #1 I need bulk seeds to use for helping me get through the auto learning curve #2 I want to create my own strains. A true example. The male donor for the 1st round was Fruity Pebbles OG. It was originally released from Puff Puff Pass genetics but by the time I got it, it had been taken to F4. So I used a F4 male and hit multiple females. I also found a nice female so of course I hit her to with some pollen and taken it to F5. (I label this as building the base for stock)
So this is my current run of Auto's. Most are from my first round chucking pollen baby! I don't know the exact date of germination or when they sprouted but it was around11/1.
( The picture above was taken 11/8 )
It was there first day under the QB-96 elite V2. This is tent #1 and I only use it for pheno-hunting and making seeds. There just sitting on top of a 67 gallon No-Till bed in a 3x3 tent.
(The picture below is on 11/30 approximately 30 day ish give or take)
I have some runts and a couple that I started later than the majority
So here is the linage for the my first round of regular auto breeding and what I'm currently running. The Blue Haze S2 are from my very first time running autos. These are my crosses only!!! The FPOG F5 the dominate smell is kush.

I'm also running the original Fruity Pebbles OG F4 stock I purchased. I also added Critical Auto, Bruce Banner Auto, Nova OG, and Twisted Menagerie to the line up.



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This is my preferred male for round 2. It's a Cosmic Crunch. He's is the last or one of the last males to show. He's barely showing ,I really dig this one though.


My 2nd choice is a FPOG F5 male. He smells like the male from last round. Since I used FPOG last round, I want to something different this one. But I can't pull myself to fill him so I'm just going to keep him as a backup incase Alien Stomper dies or doesnt pollinate well. For 2 consecutive rounds FPOG hasn't disappointed me!IMG_20201130_153917.jpg
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So hopefully everybody bought goodie from Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. I wasn't but out of every sale I saw, Linda Seeds had the best deal with 50% off. The next breeding round, I will be trying to make FEM seeds. Im overly excited, if everything works out my auto collection will dope! But here is some of the strains I bought. All from Linda Seeds in Europe.



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So i finally culled out every male except for two.
Im leaning toward Cosmic Crunch still for the donor male this round. It has better structure than the FPOG F5 male. But FPOG has a stronger stem rub. Im using lowryder 2 as a guide to let me know which strains flower the quickest. Lowryder 2 males sexed before 90% of my females showed signs, and he's long gone but my FPOG F4's, F5's, and crosses sexed after 80% + of females showed signs. But out of everything Gas Pedal males did show signs of sex until after 100% of the females did. And Gas Pedal males gets huge. But they got culled too.

So her is Cosmic Crunch male

Here is Fruity Pebbles OG Auto F5 20201208_004156.jpg20201208_004205.jpg
Approximately day 38 from sprout & Day 31 for Bruce Banner Auto & Critical Auto

So far i have 5 females that are further into flower than the other females. In flowering order. (1 is the furthest in flower and 5
is early stage of flower. But these are all ahead of the rest)
1)Blue Pebble OG (Berries and funk) my absolute favorite so far
2)Gas Pedal (creamy sweet nose and good frost early)
3)Lowryder 2 short pheno (berry terps)
4)Lowryder 2 tall pheno (all funk)
5)Forum Stomper (excellent frost)

The other females are just starting to flower

(For most of there life they've been living good in the tents but they got booted for photos lol)

So now there going to finish out under my 4 bulb LED lights i use for veg. Its no biggy since im seeding the entire run, otherwise this is obviously a no go!
(As of Dec 12th Day 42 & day 35 for Bruce Banner and Critical)

-Nova OG is a bushy auto with good branching. Showing pistol hairs and pungent when your bush against her
-Alien Stomper has only shown sex so far
-Bruce Banner has shown sex
-Critical #1 nor #2 has shown sex
-Blue Haze S2 #1 has only shown sex
-Blue Haze S2 #2 is the just beginning to set flower
-LowRyder 2 #1 is in the first stage of flowering. It has a berry scent.

-Forum Stomper was stunted. Im still in the learning curve lol. But she is stacking, frosty early on, with a generic sweet smell. Its not a distinct fruit smell but just sweet.

-LowRyder 2 #2- is the smallest, and first pheno to flower. Sporting a Berry Funk nose.

-Fruity Pebbles OG F5 #1 is just entering flower, generic sweet stem rub

-Twisted Menagrie #1 is entering flower. Nice trics early on.

-Gas HOG is just showing out early. The sugar leaves are frosted the f**k out. She in the first stage of flowering. Boasting a generic sweet/kushy nose!

-Fruity Pebbles OG F4 is just entering flower. Nice branching and it has a sour almost sewage like smell right now. I never seen this smell in any other pheno from the F4 nor the F5's.

-Blue Pebble OG #1 has shown sex and heading into flower.

-Blue Haze S2 #3 is starting to set flower. This pheno didn't branch out like the others but is the furthest pheno into fower.

-Blue Pebble OG #2 is still my favorite plant in the group! Looking like a long bud on a stick in the making. She is the fastest pheno to flower this run. Looking and smelling beautiful. Berry/Cream/slight kush background.
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-LowRyder 2 #3 was all funk last time i smelt her when i did a update. Today she has lost that profile and now sports a generic sweet terp unlike the berry terps of the other phenos. She is the tallest of all phenos with decent trichs in early flower

-Fruity Pebbles OG F5 #2 is basically uniform with pheno #1. This pheno is more sensitive to nute than the other. I got heavy leaf curl from using leftover teas i made for my No-Till beds. The other pheno didn't display this leaf curl.

-Blue Haze S2 #4 is showing the same structure and flower time and pheno #1&2. Just kicking its way into flower.

-Twisted Menagrie #2 has a nice little funkiness going for it. Set has set flowers and is cruising along.

-Chem Lee was a funky growing plant. But she's starting to straighten out in flower. She's setting flowers

-Blue Haze S2 #5 is pretty much uniform in structure. All 5 phenos display very similar flowering time so im not mad at it. There setting flowers now. I didnt think i planted so many.
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Ran out of head room for the light so i cropped them over and dropped the lights down. Should be soon that these males will start dropping.

(The donor of choice this round)
Cosmic Crunch [Cosmic Queen x Fruity Pebbles OG F4]

[Backup donor Fruity Pebbles OG F5]