East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010


Active Member
Yes, you can take a cutting and try to root it in a 12/12 bubble cooler and in about 10 days or so it should start to show sex. You can also tell the sex if they are above five nodes tall too. If they get to much bigger then it gets harder, till they show the normal pre-flower.


Well-Known Member
Bad news bears. Was away from the house for the last couple days and all my clones dried up. Forgot to check the water level in the bub cloner before I left, and the soil ones were kind of doomed, I have to spray them twice a day usually to keep them moist and humid enough. Whatever, I'll just start some of the new plants in the bubbler right away. Still got 4 out of my hoped-for 6 but I'll recover that soon.


Well-Known Member
Si, si. Got my two cab plants cloned and on 12/12 as of last night. Hopefully in 10 days we'll see what they have to show me, then we'll get things rollin' again. And in the meantime, going out to my plots right now to lay down the peat moss/compost I dropped off last night. So that show is commencing at the moment.(In like 20 minutes). I'll be back with some pictures later.


Well-Known Member
So the last couple posts I tried to put up went all wacky with the server..and I could not post. So my current update is....I have 4 plants outside and ready to grow.
And my god damn camera died 1 photo in, so I don't even have anything to show you, again. I hate the functionality of my camera, doesn't tell me the battery is dying until 1 1/2 to 2 photos are all it can do. Fuck that. So...I dunno when I'll be goin' there again, but when that happens(probably tomorrow), I'll give you many pictures of all their setup. I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't get everything all nicey-nice, just couldn't find the time, was ill-prepared, and I'm trying to keep security at a max. The next plot I'll make will be more thought-out. Unfortunately it will have less buds, maybe I'll try to make a shit-ton of clones from whatever mother I get in the Cab. We shall see. But next year I'll have a full schedule planned out, and I'ma go real big. Still gonna try to make my girls monsters though.


Well-Known Member
hope you have better luck then i do choper over my shit gud luck bro
Bummer, good luck to you as well. I'll be checkin in.

So my ladies spent their first night outdoors. Went out today to water them and things are looking great! Here are some pictures to explain.
Forgot to keep track of which Cab Plant was which when I planted, so they'll get renamed.
Pic 1 - Plant#1 . Pic 2 - Plant#2 . Pic 3 - Plant#3 . Pic 4 - Plant#4
Pic 5,6 - Plant#4, Gallon Jug / Leaf shot
Pic 7,8 - Plant#3, Gallon Jug/ Leaf shot
Pic 9,10 - Plant#2, Gallon Jug/ Leaf shot
Pic 11,12 - Plant#1, Gallong Jug/ Leaf shot
Pic 13, 14 Randoms, Plant #3 and #4, and an unused (thus far) bed.
they all seem to be in good health, and they all are about the same size, so the race is on.



Well-Known Member
Went out again today 'cause it rained pretty heavy last night, just wanted to make sure everything was good, and it was. No pictures, sorry, I'll probably be updating pictures consecutively once or twice a week.
Haven't showed ya'll my cab in a while, and I decided it was time for a little photo shoot.

Pic 1,2 - All together.
Pic 3 - Cab Plant #1 looking sweet, topping it and taking off a couple fan leaves gave it it's full body. I think this one is a girl, and really hope so as well. It smells real bad, and theres extremely premature preflowers that look pretty much exactly like the ones I've had in the past of females, which doesn't say much, but it gives me more hope. Also, I cloned this one and it might show before the clone sexes for me.
Pic 4 - Cab Plant #3 looking male to me. Cloned/sexed this one too, so we'll see. No pre-pre-flowers on this one.
Pic 5 - Cab Plant#2 not doing so hot. looks mostly healthy, just not growing nearly as vigorously as the others.
Pic 6, 7, 8 - Nodes/preflowers of Cab Plant#1



Well-Known Member
Thank you, it's much less than I planned, so it's nice to hear the compliments, felt as though I failed. Prob gonna make another plot that'll be neater somewhere else around my area to put some late ones out. Think I might make some raised beds out of sticks and clay and see how that works. I've seen these done before and they work quite well, require maintenance if it rains a bunch, but I'm trying to find a very proper way to do my whole grow with the least $ spent so that in the future I can act like it's a science. And get mad bud.


Well-Known Member
Went and checked on my babes today, and they look wonderful. They've grown another node, and have elongated and thickened their stems up a good bit already. And man, I forgot how much more they end up smelling outside. Straight Skunk out of these ladies, and they're still just babes. Forgot my camera again, sorry, I'll get pics up tomorrow unless it rains.
So one thing struck me as odd, one of my bars of soap was ripped off a steak that I shoved it on. There were no footprints of any sort, my passages to the spot weren't widened, nor was any more of the vegetation trampled. Now, I did see a few down feathers that looked to be from a goose, and some bird poop that kind of looked like goose poop. Do geese have a problem with soap? Hah. Couldn't think of what else could have done it; looked for bite marks, disfigurements from fingers touching, anything, and found nothing. Maybe there was wind strong enough to blow it away? There would have been a lot more wreckage otherwise if that were the case. I still feel comfortable though, cause my plants are lookin' fine, and the only footprints are mine which I scuff up before I leave each time. Never any more when I come back.
Otherwise, Cab Plant #1 is so damn close to revealing me the sex, I feel confident that it's a female, but I've been tricked before. If it is a male, I'll probably save some of it's pollen, and maybe pollinate a Grandaddy Purp. hybrid a buddy is growin', cause it really is a fine plant.
That's all for today, happy growings.


Well-Known Member
Went out to check 'em again. Nothing too new from Day 5, it has been fully clouded or raining for the past 3 or 4 days, so not much food production going down. I decided (for some reason) to put out my Cab Plants #2 and #3, #3 I'm pretty certain is male, but I just wanted to have a fuller-looking garden, hah. I'll rip him out when the time comes. #2 is completely undetermined sex-wise, so lets hope the best for that one.
Hm, not much else new, think my Cab Plant #1 is going to sex itself before I sex it's clones, still darn sure it's a female.
Here's lots of pictures!
Pic 1,2 - Plant #1 .. Pic 3,4 - Plant #2 .. Pic 5,6 - Plant #3 .. Pic 7,8 - Plant #4
Pic 9, 10 - Millipede, got quite a few of these, are they good, bad, or neutral? They're carnivorous, aren't they? If so, that should be good.
Pic 11 - Cab Plant #2 .. Pic 12 - Cab Plant #3
Pics 13-27? - Excessive amounts of pictures of the garden.



Well-Known Member
So, after a moment of research I think I've found that those millipedes are called flat-backed millipedes (for obvious reasons) and come to find :

Prefers compost piles, hiding places under tree bark, crevices in decomposing trees, and loose soil packed with organic matter.


Like other polydesmids, this species has paranota or keels on its dorsal surface. The paranota help them to burrow into the soil by providing wedges that they can lift and lower to open up the soil in front of them and move forward.


Flat-backed millipedes feed on roots, dead leaves, and other vegetative detritus, as well as on strawberries and other fruits

So they might help aerate my soil, but they might eat my roots. :-?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess if I see any when I'm out there, I'll promptly remove it. Just that the frequency of me being out there is not that high, so they might hide from me just right. Thank you, as well.


Well-Known Member
if you want some cheap boards that last a couple seasons you can buy 8'L x 3/4"W x 6"H at home depoT for $3 a piece.they are treated and work good. if they dont have them they will have something similiar for cheap. lumber is not to bad. check out my raised beds for an idea the thread is on this outdoor section. get some good screws and make some stakes for the outer edges and they work great. i love beds but on the flip side they are more noticeable so know your spots well. keep up the good work its never to late to put a few out. you can throw clones out in july and they will just flower right away but youll get bud. sorry if this has been diiscussed i didnt actually read everyones posts but most of yours. work hard it will pay,and youve got to pay for it to pay back. peace.

whereswaldo'sbud where abouts you at that the hellis are out general area, state? just curious. never mind i just seen bay area. well good luck to you also.to everyone hell everyone have a good year.