East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010


Well-Known Member
Way to keep on rollin TSMD. If that male is of good genetics why not cross it with a female and make up a new strain? Its pretty easy to do.

Also that spot of yours looks very nice. Good sunlight. Mine are a bit more covered up. Peace 1BMM


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I would keep the pollen, but I don't have much space, and I wanted to get the new ones rollin', plus I just get so frustrated with males that I end up rippin' 'em out before I even think to do anything else. I do hate to waste the genetics though. Maybe I'll happen upon this one again. Yeah, I'm antsy about that spot, gonna go dig some now!


Well-Known Member
Babes are lookin' good, well mostly...one seems to be gettin' eaten up a bit. But they're gettin big, prob. should have given them some feeding, but hell, if they're growin all like that still, they don't need it. Also did some diggin' today, got 7 holes done out of 24. Hah. Got lots of diggin' yet to do but this week is supposed to be cooler than the past few so that's great.


Pic 1 - Cab Plant #3 .. Pic 2 - Plant #1 .. Pic 3,4 - Plant #2 .. Pic 5 - Plant #3 .. Pic 6,7,8,9 - Plant #4, the biggin'. .. Pic 10,11 - A bug I found on Plant #4...dunno what it is



Well-Known Member
Love these buddies. Gray Catbird. It's a mockingbird, but primarily makes a cat-like sound as a normal call, and what I especially like, a couple alarm calls, one that is low-intensity, one high-intensity. The low is kind of a murmur of 'kwut'-type sounds, and the high is much louder and sounds like a grinding ratchet. I heard these when I first inhabited my plots, but now they seem to have warmed up to me, even letting me get close-up(for a bird that isn't a Robin) for pictures. They warn me of everything : planes, helicopters, people, deer, snakes, chipmunks, whatever. My little guard-birds.



Well-Known Member
Now thats some cool shit TSMD. Its cool how you find that inner peace with the wildlife. I love birds myself. Good read lad. 1BMM peace

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i cheat i grow by the railroad tracks i know when the trains come so i take a little rototiller back with me at night and when that train comes to cover the noise i fire that baby up. digging in the woods is a real fucker i wish i would have taken it to camp with me


Well-Known Member
That's a damn good idea. But, yeah I wish I had the same conditions. I work on a farm p/t, it's a fuckin' tease even in the smaller 30ft gardens that get finished up in a day, not to mention large-scale farm equipment, plowing fields upon fields in a day.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Hey sven deisel don't they spray along rail trax?:peace:

I don't know about the RR but I know that they spray along the Power lines. My buddy has a camp way up north on the side of the power lines and every 4 or 5 years the send a notice that they will be spraying de-foligage. They only make one pass and it never seems to make it to the outer sides. He just puts out a few, I highly DO NOT reccomend growing near power lines. He is wayyyyy the F out there and like I said he just does a few.


Well-Known Member
Got another confirmed female. Cab Plant #3 was today determined to be so. SO now every plant in my first plot is going to be budding. Whoop whoop. Oh, and I got 18 of 24 holes dug up, and most of the soil is nice and mixed up, so my second plot is coming along nicely, will def be ready for when I put them babes in the closet out next week sometime.

Here's the show.

Pic 1,2,3 - Cab lady Plant #3 .. Pic 4 - Plant #1 meh. .. Pic 5,6,7 - Plant #2 .. Pic 8,9 - Plant #3 .. Pic 10,11 - Plant #4 lookin' great.



Well-Known Member
-Thanks a lot, 1bmm. Keep meanin' to sub up to your thread but I end up just reading it, hah.-

Here's a look at the cab, a little over a week old, lookin' pretty good. They look drooped and wet in these pics cause I'd just sprayed. I water 'em maybe every 2 or 3 days, spray once or twice a day on the days I don't water.
There's one that hasn't done anything past cotyledons. Dunno if I even trust that it's cannabis.



Well-Known Member
So I got a bunch of peat moss and compost all packed into my car for drop off tonight, and it's been about 2 weeks so I decided I'll just throw them in a rubbermaid and pack them into my car for drop off tonight as well. Ended up with 23 mostly healthful buddies, hope the best for 'em!
Cab shut down again :-| But I am currently planning out a nice bubbler system, or DWC. My bubble-cloner made me envious of the ease of hydro, especially bubbleponics. Prob. gonna trash the old cab and start from scratch-ish. Need me some materials and such before it can commence, but I'm too antsy to wait around for finances and junk, may as well get my cab established, then get the nutes and meter and such later.

Here's the babes in their last day in the cab, so long.



Well-Known Member
Ummmmm. Here!
.DAY 35.
Pic 1,2 - Cab Plant #3, this one is in a part of my clearing that gets much less light than the others, the spot it is in faces North to South, so she's a good example of why you should plant East to West.
Pic 3,4 - Plant #1,(Raised) this one faces kind of in the middle, receives a lot of direct sunlight, but mostly afternoon sunlight, just recently started to fill herself out.
Pic 5,6 - Plant #2, now we're at East/West. Still not so much morning sunlight though, maybe a couple hours of it.
Pic 7,8,9 - Plant #3,(Raised) Fully recovered, optimal light in my opinion, I think this would be my biggest plant, had a critter not wrecked it. Gettin' bigger though. Shot of the ex-broken stem as well.
Pic 10,11,12,13 - Plant #4, my big babe. She gets the most morning sun, and much of the afternoon sun until about 5 or 6, actually she's in the shade a lot of the times I check the plot, while the others are baskin' in mid/late day sun. Gettin' bigger leaves, bigger stem.
And my 2nd plot is coming along nicely as well. It'll be a surprise.



Well-Known Member
Thanks nel! Feels good to have some green buddies growin' up closer and closer to my face.... in no time they'll prob. be above my head. I love it.