EastCoast Usa NC,SC,GA Growers


Active Member
Well guys only pic i can give is germination pic seen one you seen them all lol 8), But i well over the weekend be prapairing my few site's go ahead and get the work done,the way i understand it is that when growing out door and getting them out kinda late might work out for me So someone stop me if im wrong but a pond setting my clone's out at the beginning of July is they wont stretch that much i mean they well im going to assume at lest double there size im thinking 1m 3.5ft witch well be fine,Im super hopeing that my veggie time wont take that lone cutting clones then veggie again so im looking at mmmmmmmmmmmmmm cutting clone about my brithday lol mid of june and there outside the first or second week of July.......Another problem that i have been beating in my head is TOPING i would like the most yeild but toping well add more days for me in veggie or to recover once outside....So to top or not to top.....................anyways TYVM for all the info so far rollitup is starting to feel like home now 8)


Active Member
If you would have ordered them from attitude seed bank you would have gotten some sick freebies but good to know there is another good company to order from. thanks for the post man
i have a friend that has order all his roor stuff from them and they were quick and awesome!! ill keep Attitude in mind next time!!!!! IN be-tween me and 2 other friends we have currently about 18 different candy to chooses from 8) and once i get a genetic i normally put a clone in my shock box to become a Hermie so i dont have to order anymore 8) i try to work smarter not harder peace guys have great weekend i know i well!!


Active Member
i have a friend that has order all his roor stuff from them and they were quick and awesome!! ill keep Attitude in mind next time!!!!! IN be-tween me and 2 other friends we have currently about 18 different candy to chooses from 8) and once i get a genetic i normally put a clone in my shock box to become a Hermie so i dont have to order anymore 8) i try to work smarter not harder peace guys have great weekend i know i well!!
Finally someone not afriad of a hermie!
Sw Ga here transplanted bagseeds in ground about a month ago and things are doin amazing. Last year grew in pots and had a decent harvest, but got good compost and other organics in the ground prayn for a good one this year


Active Member
bump......Anyone els on there outdoor grow for the eastcoast pic would be nice to see!! +rep for posting!!!! and hay post me what your somkeing this weekend i had a friend come thro with some bubble gum and dam if it did some like that pink chewing gum from back in the day wow!! ill post a pic my self!!


Well-Known Member
Are you worried that they may revert back to vegative state? How will they respond to the long days of summer? Thanks
Whatsup whatsup, NC here. Haha, I planted 8 ladies back in April. They're fat as hell, you can see em in my grow journal in my signature if anyone wants. I also set out 4 clones maybe a week or so ago. And I have 2 more cuttings that once they root they will be out in a couple weeks.

I've got NL x Big bud, WW x big bud, and LA Woman.

For winter time I was thinking about ICE x Grapefruit for indoor.


Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Are you worried that they may revert back to vegative state? How will they respond to the long days of summer? Thanks
Some strains flower now,I have some SSH that has not even tried to flower.My JTR is flowering now and some strains hermie bad from flopping the light regiment around

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I put most of my cuts out around the middle of june and they go straight into flower and finish early as hell,sometimes the last of august or early september


Well-Known Member
Holy mother of bud Mr. Therapy Man.

I worked my ass of digging 16 holes. I couldn't even imagine 100 plants.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
My plants is all different sizes,some of my hazes are allready over waist high and some of my rippers are about 2ft now.Ill set clones out all june and they go straight into flower after june 21st.If you put clones out in june most get about 3 to 5 ft depending on the strain,..peace


Active Member
Are you worried that they may revert back to vegative state? How will they respond to the long days of summer? Thanks
Well cannabis is not as sensitive as people say it is. You can easily veg some plants during winter and send them out during the spring and they will be done flowering by the second or third week in june in my case. Then I'll snip the buds and let the plants reveg and second harvest on its way around october/early nov. its all about manipulation.


Well-Known Member
My plants is all different sizes,some of my hazes are allready over waist high and some of my rippers are about 2ft now.Ill set clones out all june and they go straight into flower after june 21st.If you put clones out in june most get about 3 to 5 ft depending on the strain,..peace
3-5 foot sounds good to me.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
Hey man,
Eastern NC here.
I have 5 Kaya Golds from feminized seed (Nirvana). I got the strain because it said that it would take harsh conditions. Get's kinda hot here, know what I mean.
I started the seeds on April 6th in 16 oz stadium cups (They popped through the soil on April 9th.) I transplanted to 5 gallons buckets 2 weeks later on April 23.

They're growing good, they are probably around 3 feet tall at this point. Problem is it's been so damn cloudy. The day I moved them outside it was cloudy and stayed that way for close the 3 days. We have had several weeks were the sun did not shine for 3 or 4 days. We're in one now.

I'm not too experienced, but I think the plants are a little stretchy, but I don't know.

Gonna get some pics on here in the next couple days. My camera's broke, got to figure out how to load pictures on the computer from my wife's

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
OK here are the pics of the Kaya Gold. Date stamp on the camera is not correct, pictures are new.

Do ya'll think they are too stretchy? I guess it doesn't really matter, not much I can do about the sun not shining. The strain is sativa dominant.

