Eastern Canada - outdoor problems


Active Member
So here's my problem
"Eastern Canada"
How Far East? Let just say really far!

Flowering season just started maybe a few weeks ago .( to my knowledge)
First frost warning was tonight(early August )
But temps will be back to 25 c tomorrow
Highest temp of year roughly 35 c

Zip experience of a outdoor grower however with research I can riddle off hundreds of places with lots of room to grow next to a body of (fresh)water .

Would really like as much advice as possible .

Can anyone have a reccomend a strain/seed bank

How can I combat the cold temputure's/frost

How often will visits have to be made to the site ? ( have to get there by ATV)

What time of year can they be planted In ground ?
And/ or should grow inside and put clones in ground

P.s. is there anything else I should have warning before even considering this? Planned on starting next season


Active Member
Im out west, so im not too sure on those conditions. If you want an early flowering strain there are a bunch of "Early" hybrids that start flowering a month or 2 before a normal strain would, which will help you out for sure. Ive ordered from BC seeds with great results. As far as I know, the best genetics generally come from BC and Amsterdam, but im sure there are a lot of reputable dealers around these days. I would start them a month before your last frost and plant them a week after your last frost and they should be good. As far as frost later in the year, put a heavy mulch of straw, tree needles or leaves or anything that will help insulate the roots. Cheers


Well-Known Member
I'm in the far east of Canada too and I plant around June 1st when the lows at night are above 10 celcius. I've had alot of problems planting too early especially this year. I don't know where you are at that's calling for frost but this summer alltogether has been off trend, late frosts, hurricanes, tornados, floods etc... 20-30 celcius here still most days. Bcseedking has an early skunk that finishes by September 20th or before done e or did for me anyways, Dr. Greenthumb has Iranian Autoflowers that can be done in August if you put them out in June.I am growing Iranian chemdawg this year and they are flowering now, look like they will be done at the end of September. Normally I am fine until then.


So... you dont have any out yet? I would think its a bit too late to start any for this year. Might wanna consider starting some seeds and keeping them alive inside thru winter, so you have a couple good sized plants to make clones from in the spring.


Well-Known Member
I recommend hempdepot.ca for seeds if you're in Canada. If you want an early early strain my two cents would be for early grizzly by kootenay mountain seeds. You can also get them at hemp depot. Done last week in august to first week in september outdoors.


Staff member
if you havent already planted dont the leaves are already changing not good for outdoors too cold

be ez

Well-Known Member
If it's that cold where you are maybe run with some autoflowers

From what I know about them you wouldn't be able to clone/start them indoors because they have a finite life cycle and will flower without daylight changes. As far as when to put them out checkout your local first and last frost dates and use them as a reference. DrGreenthumb has some good Canadian strains that should finish early too without being fully autoflower.

Here is a chart of frost dates, if they don't have your town find somewhere near by http://www.almanac.com/content/frost-chart-canada


Active Member
Find the strain you like then light dep them.

Which meens either grow them in pots and move them in / out everyday. Or find some way to cover them at night. Can start them flowering in say mid june then they can flower with the good hot summer sun and finish on time.

This is of course assuming you have the meens to tend to them daily. ;)