Keep.It.Simple.Stoners... here’s my home made cloning machine that I made for under $5 yep that’s right $5. U can see the fresh cut clones @ day 1 and last pic is @ day 10
They barely had any roots at day10 but by day 14 they were all rooted but remember that every strain is different.. the plants in the picture above were OG kush that strain always takes 2-3 weeks to root, any other strain would of taken 4-5 days to rootLooks good at 10 days, hows that root mass down there? Thats the real determining factor on a proper cloner.
Oh and also forgot to mention I didn’t use any rooting hormones just fresh drinking water no ph!They barely had any roots at day10 but by day 14 they were all rooted but remember that every strain is different.. the plants in the picture above were OG kush that strain always takes 2-3 weeks to root, any other strain would of taken 4-5 days to root
Make sure you spray a couple times a day since your humidityis so low. With temps being that low they will take longert to root too.Is a room temp that the cloner sits in of 62°-65°F to cold for this to work? Anyone with experience know? Also room humidity of 15%-35%?
A better tempature controller or a repeat cycle timer to turn it on and off periodically to keep it from being too warm would also work efficiently if you dialed in the on/off times...Thanks guys,do you think a heat pad on a mechanical timer might work to keep it a little warmer but not over heat? Like, on a half hour,off for 2 or something? Maybe I'd be better off bringing the cloner into a room thermostaticaly controlled,I know those Damn pads can be finicky.
It's generally the consensus keep the water plain RO until roots start? Then add clonex and maybe Orca myko's?
I had had thesame thought of a temperature control for the heat mat,but the only one I found on Amazon, by Vivosun, the probe isn't submersible so I wouldn't be able to hang it in the reservoir. Do you think just taping the probe on the outside of the tub would be good/accurate enough?A better tempature controller or a repeat cycle timer to turn it on and off periodically to keep it from being too warm would also work efficiently if you dialed in the on/off times...
I had had thesame thought of a temperature control for the heat mat,but the only one I found on Amazon, by Vivosun, the probe isn't submersible so I wouldn't be able to hang it in the reservoir. Do you think just taping the probe on the outside of the tub would be good/accurate enough?
what ever happened to rock wool cubes and a heat pad ? bubble cloners are a fucken stupid idea
lol i can have roots and healthy ones in 4 days tops with a heat pad why change it ? dont u no how to cloneYou sound upset
lol i can have roots and healthy ones in 4 days tops with a heat pad why change it ? dont u no how to clone
lol i can have roots and healthy ones in 4 days tops with a heat pad why change it ? dont u no how to clone