Could swap out the nerf wannabes for a couple holes big enough to hold some rockwool. Then all you gotta do is remove and replace the rooted cubes.
Rock wool would stay too wet,imo.

Large backing rod works well. Just a little slit keeps the cutting secure. :leaf:
Keep.It.Simple.Stoners... here’s my home made cloning machine that I made for under $5 yep that’s right $5. U can see the fresh cut clones @ day 1 and last pic is @ day 10

Looks good at 10 days, hows that root mass down there? Thats the real determining factor on a proper cloner.
Looks good at 10 days, hows that root mass down there? Thats the real determining factor on a proper cloner.
They barely had any roots at day10 but by day 14 they were all rooted but remember that every strain is different.. the plants in the picture above were OG kush that strain always takes 2-3 weeks to root, any other strain would of taken 4-5 days to root
They barely had any roots at day10 but by day 14 they were all rooted but remember that every strain is different.. the plants in the picture above were OG kush that strain always takes 2-3 weeks to root, any other strain would of taken 4-5 days to root
Oh and also forgot to mention I didn’t use any rooting hormones just fresh drinking water no ph!
Is a room temp that the cloner sits in of 62°-65°F to cold for this to work? Anyone with experience know? Also room humidity of 15%-35%?
Is a room temp that the cloner sits in of 62°-65°F to cold for this to work? Anyone with experience know? Also room humidity of 15%-35%?
Make sure you spray a couple times a day since your humidityis so low. With temps being that low they will take longert to root too.
rob333, Rock wool cubes mold very easily and retain too much moisture even when not in a cloner, aeroponic cloning is as simple and as easy as it gets and it doesn't chain you to rock wool or rapid riots, and like homeboy said you dont even need the rooting hormone with an aeroponic cloner, just water and time and most people kill clones ontop of a seedling heating pad because the temp controllers are unreliable and finicky over heats the clones past comfortable rooting temps, which are cooler not hotter water between 68 and 71°F... Under 68 and over 71 will slow the rooting down a lot and anything over 75 is making it easy for pathogens to flourish and grow... Nobody should need a heat pad to clone or to germinate seeds, one needs to keep ambient temps where the roots like to grow
Thanks guys,do you think a heat pad on a mechanical timer might work to keep it a little warmer but not over heat? Like, on a half hour,off for 2 or something? Maybe I'd be better off bringing the cloner into a room thermostaticaly controlled,I know those Damn pads can be finicky.

It's generally the consensus keep the water plain RO until roots start? Then add clonex and maybe Orca myko's?
Thanks guys,do you think a heat pad on a mechanical timer might work to keep it a little warmer but not over heat? Like, on a half hour,off for 2 or something? Maybe I'd be better off bringing the cloner into a room thermostaticaly controlled,I know those Damn pads can be finicky.

It's generally the consensus keep the water plain RO until roots start? Then add clonex and maybe Orca myko's?
A better tempature controller or a repeat cycle timer to turn it on and off periodically to keep it from being too warm would also work efficiently if you dialed in the on/off times...
A better tempature controller or a repeat cycle timer to turn it on and off periodically to keep it from being too warm would also work efficiently if you dialed in the on/off times...
I had had thesame thought of a temperature control for the heat mat,but the only one I found on Amazon, by Vivosun, the probe isn't submersible so I wouldn't be able to hang it in the reservoir. Do you think just taping the probe on the outside of the tub would be good/accurate enough?
I had had thesame thought of a temperature control for the heat mat,but the only one I found on Amazon, by Vivosun, the probe isn't submersible so I wouldn't be able to hang it in the reservoir. Do you think just taping the probe on the outside of the tub would be good/accurate enough?

I think I just answered my own question. Apparently people will wrap these heat mats around bottles for home brewing and will just put the probe on the container.

I think I'll get a controller formy heat mat. My house is always in the low-mid 60'sF in winter and I don't want the roots to take forever.

If anyone with experience reads this, do you just go straight RO till roots appear then clonex and myko's? Or both from the beginning? I lost all my clones to the polar vortex when we lost heat for awhile so I need to make these count cause I don't have much mother material anymore.
I've been making my way through all the bubble cloner threads via that wonderful search tool.

It seems the consensus is plain water till the cuts have roots,then a light mix of clonex. Benificials are good as well.

Water Temperature till roots have formed of 70°-80°F.

Once you have roots, water temperature of 68°-72°F.

Start with the waterline 1/2" below cut stems. Its fine to Let the roots grow into the water.

Some people say don't dip cuts into clonex rooting gel,some say to dip. But it seems the consensus is no nutes or anything in the water in the beginning so I won't dip in gel cause that'll add stuff to the water and may prevent the stem from uptaking water.

Let the roots grow till at least 2" in length before transplant.

I have the cloner blacked out,I still need to black out the airline. I have a shoebox type Rubbermaid with a 12" long flat airstone from Wal-Mart with cheapo single outlet airpump will be more than sufficient.

2 13W 6500k cfls right on top of 6 cuts should be good to go light-wise.

Change out reservoir water and clean every 7 days. Unless roots are forming,then change out water so I can add in clonex myko's. The Rubbermaid shoebox is $0.97 so I bought and blacked out 2 so I'll just swap out for water change to deep clean the first box.

As for light cycle use 18/6. I've seen some say go for 24/0, but most say 18/6.

is that basically it? I'd love constructive criticism and tips.