Easy money day set for the 12th :)

Big P

Well-Known Member
thats pretty sick,

so an economist huh, sounds pretty sweet.

so you pretty much make ends meet trading or you bling blingin off it?

I am a sales engineer & I make great money doing that, however I have always wanted to hit that 400%+ stock

there was one, that went up over 1000% in one day, i watched it go the whole way, i should have bought it but i was so afraid to lose more money i did not.

anyway it was a shady penny stock, but many got rich off that one day of trading.

but thats what i was saying about the penny stock, they can go 100% in one day of trading and there were guys pulling it in hand over fist

Like PLKH that puppy one day went from 2.00 a share to 5.00 a share.

the guy who told me to buy it made a lot of money but i missed that boat too:wall:

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
that stock is highly speculative---why invest in something like that when your coming out of the greatest downturn since 80's with extreme devaluation everywhere? No need to be speculative to get speculative returns :)

Big P

Well-Known Member
very interesting thanks for letting me pick your brain.

so let me ask you this

you heard about the Alan Stanford ponzy scheme

well a close person to me had invested in stocks through his company

these were not the bad CD's or the atigua bank thing.

they tried to get him to put his money in there but he refused cuz the returns seemed too good to be true

anyway told them to sell his stock 500K of stock cuz the market was crashing (its was $700K) so they sold it but before he could take his money out the scandle broke and they froze all Stanfords holdings assets due to the scandel.

my man should get his money back right?

last I heard they were unfreezing people $$$ that had $250K and below invested. but only the ones with these money market accounts

whats your thoughts?

if i lost that much money people would die,

someone needs to put a few bullets in this guys head


The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
he's covered by the SIPC---like FDIC but for investors. From what I've heard about stanford---he's not completely broke---and many areas of his businesses still have value---so he probably doesn't have anything to worry about---until he starts getting letters :) Financial crimes are so easy to commit and you don't get caught until long after they were committed.

Big P

Well-Known Member
thanks for the tip, helps ease a lot of tension.

so what do you mean until he starts gettin letters?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
If I was a madoff victim I would be extremely pissed at the amount of money he's having to pay for his security while free. He's got atleast four mercenaries basically that charge about eight hundred an hour, 24/7.

Big P

Well-Known Member

Imma laugh when you're wrong and some fool loses money because he took you're advice

well think about it this way. if you had listened to him yesterday and put $25,000 on that stock at $2.50 share price.

you would be $12,000 richer today:blsmoke:

but your notbongsmilie

Big P

Well-Known Member
how do you know I didn't?

How do you know I do not play the stock market myself with my own concept and make more money?

well I know you didnt cuz then you would be calling yourself a fool & surly a man of your bravado would never do this:bigjoint:

Imma laugh when you're wrong and some fool loses money because he took you're advice


Well-Known Member

I Haven't claimed anything I was making the point that you have no idea what I have and have not done.

I haven't given advice for people to lose money on either.
You're arguing something you cannot win