Easy Plants


Well-Known Member
I have grown 3 strains ever.


Alaskan Ice

and some bag seed I started with

The bag seed tastes like pepper.

The cheese is too short.

Ice was a great high/great volume plant, but was very fickle and hard to maintain.

I am looking for an easy to grow, low mateniance strain that I can pretty much set it and forget it. Something hearty and hard to fuck up.

I felt like every other day Ice was complaining it was defficient in something and needed to be tended too.

I grow indoors in coco. I have the room to grow 8 plants and use a 400 HPS for flower.

I have a seperate grow bos with a 250 MH.

They start in coco, they finish in coco and are fertilized with foxfarm in flower stage only.


Well-Known Member
The easiest plant that I've seen to grow is a TRUE Northern Lights.
It's extremely hard to screw up Northern Lights plant.
They can take a beating.
FYI, most strains out on the market today, are a cross breed with Northern Lights already.