Easy Ryder LED DWC grow


Active Member
Hello all!

Started a new grow.
Strain: Easy Ryder (joint doctor)
Method: DWC w/ RO
Light: 345 watt penetrator (70/30 red blue with far red)
Germ: 7/13/2012
Popped: 7/14/2012
Sprout: 7/15-7/16
Nutes: GH flora, Calmag plus, silica
Beneficial(s): ZHO powder, SM 90
Current EC: 0.180 pH:6.0

Currently my 2 ladies are 5 and 4 days above ground.
Had month after month of failed grows, determined Chloramines in tap water were preventing germination and early root growth.
Had .006 coming out of my RO, could not figure out what problem was until I realized RO does not remove chloramines.



Active Member
I've got 2 Easy Ryders from Joint Doctor growing also. My older one (Day 27) is the first time I've tried to grow anything and she has suffered from too much love and attention, but she won't die and the younger one (day 10) is doing great and hasn't experienced any of the abuse her sister has. I was considering DWC & LED, but settled on t5HO in soil so I will pop in from time to time to see how your ladies are coming along . Best of luck to you and your ladies!