easy way to spend $4000


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a condo (sept 1st) and have been living with no furniture for like 3 fucking weeks now... finally broke down and bought an entire living room set... Totally stoked for it to be delivered.


brand new genuine leather couch, matching loveseat/chair... glass coffeetable $200 area rug.... 46" 120 HZ Samsung LED tv with a 5.1 dolby 1000W home theatre..... and a few other end tables here and there....

Fuck oct 2nd cant come sooner.... :joint:

anyone else just recently buy a bunch of new shit?


Well-Known Member
Long overdue man. I've never owned any of my own stuff. Always been hand me downs or stuff used off
Kijiji.. I'm excited to have MY own stuff. ;)

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Not recently. We're selling our stuff so we can move. Then we'll see about the new stuff.

Btw, congrats on your place