Easy Wine CO2 generator


Well-Known Member
Ok, so the DIY co2 generator with yeast sugar etc....
Why not make wine while you do it???
I read that first DIY log, and slapped myself...I used to make wine the same way...

If you wanna use this technique, might as well have a usefull by product...

Heres how to do it...
1 Gallon milk jug,
1 Mayonaise jar (any jar with a lid will work)
2 foot of "aquarium tubing"
duct tape
something to poke a few holes with


1 quart of pineaplle juice
1 packet of yeast
3 cups of sugar
top off jug with water

Take your milk jug, rinse it out well.
poke a hole in the lid of the milk jug big enough to stick one end of the tubing into...seal the lid and tubing with duct tape/silicone.. just the lid...so you can pour out the wine later...dont seal the lid to the jug...duh!

poke two holes in the lid of your mayonaise jar, the same sise as you did for the milk jug lid.
Insert the other end of the tubing into one of the two holes, down to the bottom of the jar and seal with duct tape/silicone.

Fill the Mayo jar hlaf full of water, and close the lid

mix your sugar with enough water to completely disolve sugar....pour into milk jug.
Pour the pineapple juice into the jug, mix well....top off with water, then add the yeast. Cap the lid, put in grow room.....It would be best to put the jug in a black plastic bag so as not to let in light.
Set it near yer plants...........nice and warm....

The fermentation process (co2) will bubble up through the jug, into the jar and out the vent hole.
The reason for the "extra jar" is so that air does not get to the wine....thus ruining the wine...it bubbles like a bong all by itself!

After 7-14 days, strain the whole mass through a fine screen, such as panty hose....and you now have some ROCKING ASS KICKING wine!! Chill over some Ice cubes and watch out...
That first glass tases like shit...but once you got that one down......EWE WEEE@! Loook out!

Looks like a 5th grader drew my schematic, but hey, I didnt wanna go pro~ I think it says it all... (dont put the tubing going from the "wine" jug anything further than a 1/2 inch into the "wine jug" let that shit breathe!
Well, the wine will be ready in 7 days..but its better to let it "cook" for 14 days....theres your answer...when it stops bubbeling....start another batch....just like you would have to do with the co2 with out pineapple juice! 7-14 days....
You can up the ingredients by 5 and put the whole thing into a clean 5 gal bucket....youll get 5 gallons of wine....5 x as much co2, but it will only "cook" for 7-14 days....oh, and it STINKS!! But it's just like eating pu$$y...once you get past the smell, ya got it licked!!
it is the same with beer also. i brew 5 gallon batches of brew and just put the batches in the room. get tons of co2 for about a week then trails off...
Well, the wine will be ready in 7 days..but its better to let it "cook" for 14 days....theres your answer...when it stops bubbeling....start another batch....just like you would have to do with the co2 with out pineapple juice! 7-14 days....
You can up the ingredients by 5 and put the whole thing into a clean 5 gal bucket....youll get 5 gallons of wine....5 x as much co2, but it will only "cook" for 7-14 days....oh, and it STINKS!! But it's just like eating pu$$y...once you get past the smell, ya got it licked!!

I'm with ya on the pu$$y comment lol...
I'll prob give it a go actually, will save me a fortune on the missus'
bloody Blossom Hill Chardonnay!
Thanks for the video - I might give this a try actually, it would be cheaper than buying co2 canisters & as you say, a useful by-product at the end of it... :spew:
I love this idea, it never made sense to me to make co2 with just water, sugar and yeast when you can substitute fruit juice and make co2 AND wine. My two favorite intoxicants in one place. I've done this for my last two grows. First time it was just Tree Top apple juice (about $6 for two 1 gallon jugs at Costco, then you have more bottles for the next round while your "fine wine" ages). I use small plastic water bottles for the gas locks.
I currently have two gallons each of apple and mango (also at Costco), and a five gallon bucket of banana, raisin, and jalapeno (seemed like a good idea at the time, and doesn't smell half bad)
Check this link for recipes:
If that link doesn't work Google Fruit Wine One Gallon recipes

I got fancy and bought the other ingredients at a local homebrewing supply.
Might as well learn to brew right, we all spend tons of time trying to grow right.
here's some pics:


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i am currently using the suger yeast setup (it's way cheap!) and wondered if I could make a drinkable solution out of it. thanks! i'd always noticed a beer-like smell when entering my grow room, m-m-m! smells great, and now i can enjoy that smell with some kick-ass brew. As an aside, is it possible to ferment thc coated fan leaves to make weedwine or anything like that? i know of the green dragon but I thought why with that co2 setup if I could make a weed wine or beer that'd kick ass.
faralos, did i understand you right, (is it possible to ferment thc) i hope this can be good info Potka recipie: Most consumers of cannibis sativa prefer to clean their herb of stems and seeds. This recipe uses the discarded stems. Stems, especially small ones, contain THC, too, and it can be extracted using the tincture method. Instead of throwing them out, stockpile your stems. Keep a jar near your stash and just drop them in. Once you have enough stems (at least 1/4 oz.), just pour in vodka. Only enough to submerge the stems is required (200 ml. or 8 ounces should do it). Put it in the dark for four days. Strain out the stems (a coffe filter works good), then invite your friends over for a special treat. Any vodka recipe will do. Try it with orange juice for a potka screwdriver. For a real show-stopper, freeze cranberry juice in ice cube trays and serve the potka drivers over cranberry ice cubes that slowly melt and add color and flavor to the drink.
I've read about the green dragon drink. cool that there's this one, too. I know you could make hash oil from stalks/stems, but a drink! that's kewl! thanks for helping me get my buddies even more wasted (I'll be like a god to them)