Easyryder Grow Journal


Also, the plant that was really tall with 2 leaves atop it was a daisy flower, I just use that for when I get a stupid Idea about folar feeding or strange ways to amp up growth etc... just to see if if helps or kills that plant, most of the things I do to my daisy flowers will prolly not be used on cannabis, as most of the time the things I do to them are retarded with a slight chance of success, kind of like the penny stocks of my garden.


Hey can anyone give me advice on watering young plants (pics are Already posted)??? Im using a spray bottle right now, but for the first watering I used a small cup and saturated the soil. They have been in the soil about a week. Also I used a tbs of Hydrogen Peroxide (3percent) on all my plants, I hope that was a good idea? anyone else use Hydrogen Peroxide on their pot plants??
Anything you have to say about Watering/Additives is appreciated.


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Well-Known Member
Don't water until next necessary, ways to judge this are, the obvious the plant will tell you, the weight of the pot (you will become a expert at this), generally water when top 2 inches of soil are dry. I have not tried peroxide but we will see what it goes like and if makes it any better. Dont start any nutes or anything until week 3ish i would say in my opinion :)


Does anyone know if its possible to clone an autoflowering strain? (Easyryder)
Heard it was not possible, but I am stubborn so I might try anyway...


Well-Known Member
You can try but will probably be unsuccessful. You are more likely to lower the yield on your plant and get nothing from the clone.


Well im good, how r u reef? btw I moved the plants 3ft away from the light, not worried about them burning anymore, but I still dont know if I should water them now or not, I am watering daily because I have the seedlings in plastic cups (normal size) using miracle grow potting soil (which is known to dry out fast) and the top cm is dry right now, water or not? I think life line said the first 2 inches, but this is a small potting area. Just want to make sure.


On another note, one seedling just broke the ground and is having issues, looks kinda yellowish brown, cant tell if its from over watering, underwatering, to much light (burn), nutes, ...... anyway there is a pic attatched. Comments?



Well-Known Member
I can not really see much with that pic. Wait till the seed case has popped before atempting anything anyway :)


WELL! This worked last time (on a failing seedling, which was failing because I broke it in half lol)) so here it goes, I'm now going to use half a tbs of Hydrogen peroxide on this struggling seedling (I think pic is 2 comments above) it has just broken the ground, and its shell, but is hasn't done anything for 4 days, which from my limited experience is NOT normal, Ill keep everyone updated on how the Hydro per works out.

(3 percent not diluted hydro per)



Gardening when baked prollly not a good Idea for me, anyeay, here is a pic of that seedling that was sturggling, which I have removed from the ground, it is about and inch long, and I just manually removed the shell from the 2 little leaves, which did not cause any damage at all to the plant (but whatever I broke one in half awhile ago and it still grew good lol) anyway I have removed it from the soil, so while I have the chance Im going to soak the soil, and break it up to prevent clumping (the top inch of the soil is dry). Pic attached.



Hahaha, I thought that seedling I ripped out of the soil/removed shell/tried to make straight and then replanted, while under the influence, was gonna die, but actually its doing better than it was b4 I fucked with it. (pic below)

Really looking forward to trying to clone an auto flowering strain, even if it fails whatever, this harvest is juts for me so i can afford the loss.

Also if anyone has cloning tips (also gonna try to clone LA woman) fell free to comment.

Also heres a ramble on things that worked and didnt work for me. It is not gramatically correct (oh the Irony... ).


"what worked for me/what didn't

when i planted in large pots it was harder to handle and all the seeds failed, all 6.
used plastic cups with drainage holes in bottom, that worked well.

when i used miracle grow organic soil, it sucked ass, dont use it as ur only soil i guess in a mix it would be ok., but it has lost of wood in it.

Miracle grow potting mix worked for 2 people i know and currently i am using it with a 100 percent germination rate. but if you can avoid using it, do so, its a very hot soil.

Growing seedling next to a window, touchy, once they are a centimeter above the ground go ahead and get them under the cfl or hps or mh whatever.

Hydrogen peroxide, used it on my seeds and got a 100 percent germination rate, used 1/2 tbs 2 days after i planted them.. although if you are using beneficials you will have to re apply them after using Hydrogen peroxide.

All my seeds germed in a temperature of 64-72 degrees, and are growing and healthy as of now.

I am keeping new plants 2 feet away from a high powered light, like hps or mh, dont want to cook them.

To increase co2, I open the closet door during the day, and open both windows in the room (with blinds down), I live next to a busy freeway lots of co2 outside.

