Easyryder Grow Journal


My humidity in the grow room is around 60-70 percent, 70-90 percent is the average outside humidity for where I live. (right next to the gulf of mexico)

Everything was growing good when I left last night, Leaves are getting bigger and greener, they aren't stretching anymore, but I need to find some soil to mix with the MG potting mix im using. Any suggestions (and where can I buy the stuff)?

How are ur girls doing? (lifeline)


Well-Known Member
I would sya try get ocean forest by fox farms or use what I use, Bio Bizz All Mix. Have to look around to where you can get it near you. eBay is always where I start.
Yeah my girls doing well. Alex bit strange? But not bothered to be honest. Alice is taking off and bushing like mad!! Trying to get pics today or tommorow. She got her first budsite :)


Just watered the plants, 2 arent doing well, both are easyryder, the la and ufo are doing good.
Will post pics of the suffering plants soon.

one has 4 leaves but is less than a cm tall, and has a very slinder stem that doesnt hold the plant up well, the other is a yellowish green, its about a cm long,
still hasnt opened up, just 2 leaves that havent taken any shape, im having to use a small piece of wood to prop the plant up.... any suggestions?


Active Member
Mate nice... how far you along now?

Im a couple weeks behind DJ so i assume.... your a couple weeks behind me... we're a new noob easyryder ghetto crew fo sho... we should start a band or sumink... anyway sorry dood, bit high....



Dude I dont even know I threw the seeds in the ground I think a little more than a week ago, their all about 2 inches tall now, 2 struggling but it looks like they are gonna make it. Send me a link to ur journal.



Well-Known Member
Lower yours lights a bit dude. Try that? Stick your hand on the top of your leaves and move it to the point where it just warm and comfortable for your hand... Just suggestion