Eat Shit...and Die! the 'post-antibiotic era' is here and now

Eat garbage, live fast, drink everything in sight, smoke crash, meth, weed, tobacco and party like a rap star. I'm describing a neighbor in Florida, who died of congestive heart failure... AT NINETEEN?!?

My grandmother lived a farm girl's childhood with all the chores that implies. In her teens she caught the Spanish Flu, in a time before vaccinations. It nearly killed her (it killed more people worldwide than WWI did, which had just ended a year before), and it left her with a weak heart for the rest of her life.

She exercised diligently- today we'd call it physical therapy, never stopped working, raised two kids, got her college degree and teaching certificate- no small achievement in those days for a woman- and taught elementary school.

Her weak heart precluded her from nearly any vices; smoking anything was out of the question, she might have a small drink once or twice a year and even stayed away from candy, chocolate and caffeine for fear of heart arrhythmias.

She drove until she was 96, walked to her hundredth birthday and lived to be 104 and 10 months.

Boy, have I got a lot to live up to...
Interesting subject. It turns out humans are not the apex predator. Sure large food corporations could be to blame for pumping antibiotics into their animals, so could Drs for supplying antibiotics to patients for all the wrong reasons for the past 50 years. Anyone wonder how it happened? Lets take a look at how antibiotic resistant bacteria function and possibly how to prevent this.
I think viruses are fascinating. I mean, as far as cleverness and efficiency in accomplishing the supreme goal, they're amazing. And retroviruses ability to insert snippets of their DNA into ours seems almost insidious. Whatta universe!